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It's sad but true

Guest Plasmo

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Originally posted by Archer:

You all may continue with pathetic excuse for an existance.


I know why we existe: we are just pathetic microbes, viruses, taking advantage of the sun so we can "live", consume and spread are diseases to this bit of earth that is nothing among the nothingness of it all. We are just organism rotting by the years going by and once we are extinguished there is no more and we stay forgotten, althought we cannot stay forgotten because our "lives" have no meaning at all and therefor cannot be considered, we are just dust.


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[This message has been edited by Jem (edited January 11, 2001).]

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Guest Vark111

Jem, what have you been smoking, and can I have some of it?


Plasmo, Welcome to our little corner of insanity. Before you enter, make sure you wipe your feet on Nute's head, so's not to track anything on the rug. biggrin.gif



It takes all kinds... The question is, what is 'it'?

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