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Lightsabres - force sensitive themselves ?


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Ah, but we aren't talking about the lightsaber sensing the Force directly...but rather the effect that it has on aura of the Jedi holding it. The Jedi's level of spiritual advancement would involve his consciousness moving into higher levels of energetic awareness, whose effect on the body's own electromagnetic field can be detected easily by electronic means.


This is true today. When advanced yogis and meditators in other traditions are hooked up to EEG instrumentation, they are shown to generate long trains of altered brainwaves, which change relative to the sphere of consciousness in which the meditator is currently working. To put it in the eastern sense, chi cannot be measured directly, but its effect on the body can be.


So. A lightsaber which senses the user's level of awareness would be possible*, but it couldn't (in theory) detect the Force directly. Such a weapon wouldn't stay one color, though...it would alter itself to relect the user's state of focus, almost like a mood ring.


Interesting idea. biggrin.gif


<font size=1>* Assuming that a lightsaber would even be possible in the first place.




'Get out of my sky!'

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Possible example:


Look, my saber's green. And now it's red. And now it's green. And now it's..hey..it's blue. And now it's red. I want it to get yellow. Nope, no yellow. Green again? I want yellow!!! Darn. Red again. Huh? Redder? Can it get any redder? No, this is more like violet...etc."


Perhaps not such a good idea, color-changing sabers.

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Guest paulbarnard

Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

how can he be a war criminal when his side won?


One can still be charged with war crimes on the winning side if one was to do something horrific (such as willfully and knowing kill civillians like the did in Vietnam). Officers were charged and convicted of that in the Millitary courts.


Also, the saber color has is more a matter of science. Every book on the subject says so. It's a matter of the frequency the saber is tuned to. This frequency emits energy (via light) through a crystal and a focusing lens creating the light saber. The frequecny really limits the color range, which is then refracted by the crystal (don't know if it emits it's complimentary color or what). That's kind of a conglmoration of all the books from guide to the universe, technology guide, and years of physics, chemistry expierence with lasers.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Assuming that a lightsabe would even be possible in the first place.


It can be possible and I know how: take a device (the shape of a handle) that sends a laser and a "stick" (like a radio antenna so you can stick it in the handle when not using it) placed where the saber is suppose to be, starts in the middle of th handle and can be extend as long as you want, at the end of that "stick" place a diamond that is carved in a way that it will refract the laser back to the handle that itself is equiped with a diamond that will refract the refracted laser back to the diamond on the end of the "stick" and so on and so on, and you've got a laser being eternally refracted around the "stick", it's a "Lightsaber" or more logically Lasersaber.


so what do you think?

<font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited January 12, 2001).]

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so what do you think?


I think that using science and stuff to explain crap from movies is stupid.



You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Poor Bastard (edited January 12, 2001).]

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How about a saber from the 70's


a Moodsaber!


*Lukes saber changes to red


Emporer: i can SEE the hate swelling in you, give in to you anger strick me down


*Vaders saber changes to blue


Luke: I SEE the good in you, there is conflict


*changes back to red


Vader: nope, there is no conflict tongue.gif


*lueks saber changes to red


Luke: THATS IT...*whines* I hate you *whack* I hate you *whack*

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

*Whacks off Luke Skywalker's head with samurai sword.*


See, now that works. The science is pretty straightforward. *Points to blood running down the blade.* And it even changes color!



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Guest Vark111

Well, if you guys want to get all pseudo-scientific here, think about this...


The way a lightsaber (suposedly) works is that the light is emitted at the base, extends to a certain length, then is bent back on itself to finally 'terminate' on the handle again. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that mean that the handle of a light saber require a black hole to be stored in it somewhere? i.e. some kind of entity that can bend light back upon itself?


And then wouldn't everyone (including the saber wielder) be sucked into said black hole?



It takes all kinds... The question is, what is 'it'?

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Let's get a particle accelorator the size of Rhode Island, and we can start testing biggrin.gif



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'm of the opinion that a lightsaber is an electrified plasma weapon, the blade of which is contained by an electromagnetic bottle (hence the sputtering, sparking when they touch.)


Energy (laser or particle acceleration) beams would just pass right through each other.


The plasma, essentially, would be a rarified gas stored in the lightsaber handle. When energized, the gas would take plasma form...just like in a modern day flourescent light bulb. This would also explain why the blade grows from the hilt when activated, instead of 'blinking on' at the speed of light.


Zoom Rabbit's theory= authentic. smile.gif

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This was such a good idea for a thread...

I like the idea of an electromagnetic field holding the energy in place.

As for a crsytal on the end of a rod, you would cleave the rod when the sabres met, and so it would be a pointless weapon if it didn't last the fight.

A great fashion accesory - moodsaber - I want won....


Now for my theory = maybe a light sbare is the fastest repeater blaster known, and the blade is actually blast after blast, so fast that it appears as one, and some field is holding it in place. After all, a saber isn't as "'random' or clumsy as a blaster".



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

In the slums of eighteenth-century London, I was a gin-besotten n'er-do-well who collected scrap brass and tin. In my alcohol-drenched fugues I would proclaim to befuddled passers-by that pieces of brass that I'd scrounged from the rubbish was gold! Soon, the townsfolk started calling me the 'Gold Leader' in derisive amusement.


Hah? tongue.gif What's your story, then?

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In my next life I'll have giant ears due to an accidental genetic modification. Those ears will give me the opportunity to perform in a number of car commercials. My most important line will be "zoom, zoom".

Hans Letterman, the grandson of, will have me on his show and will combine my looks and my acting achievements and call me "Zoom rabbit". Under this name I'll try to become a stand-up comedian but I'll fail since no one is paying attention because they're all fixated on my ears instead of my jokes.

After this failure I'll travel to India where I accept Muhurushu, also the grandson of, as my guru. There, on a diet

of only carrots, I'll live happily ever after.



0! = 1

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Magic carrots? No one will buy that part of the story. You fail!


Besides, everyone knows that the ear and 'Zoom' correlation is the extra lift they provide at high speed. biggrin.gif

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