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Anakin's vision...


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hmm well, she had kids and was perfectly fine but sidious obviously planted the visions in his mind and wanted padme to die, so he could be powerful(crushing a whole room) most sith usually completely turn when they kill there former masters but obi-wan defeated Anikan so thats y i think he never truly fell(but he did kill obi-wan in the next film but he kinda faded so im not sure if it counted) Padme was a threat.thats it. But he wanted Anikan to taist the dark side thats y he made him kill dooku told him 2 leave Obi-Wan and then when Anikan was confused he asked for MERCY MERCY! the jedi must always show mercy and Anikan like loved rules so he killed Windu over it(very disapointing ending 4 windu) so Sidious planted the visions in his mind to get him to taist the dark side he had nothing left to live for and just kept going he wasnt strong enough to turn away, and thats why in the end Padme died she died because of betrayle broken heart and a lost love, she gave up on life maybe sidious entered her mind and caused it to see like only doubt or somehting like that? Or maybe just maybe she was an idiot lol

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