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Enhanced 003

The Watchman

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Fisrt off congrats on a job well done on an awesome saber system! Can't go back to base JA now lol. Couple of questions though;


1. When my foes fatigue meter thingy is drained (or full for that matter) any attacks underneath the waist (a crouched swing for instance) seem to go straight through the model withought causing any damage. It's not as if a low attack like that is unblockable so I'm hoping it's a bug lol.


2. If I'm using melee as soon as I kick my player can't move or kick but can still punch, this happens until I change weapon then it's fine until I kick in melee again.


3. Although my saber is actually connecting with and damaging my foe sometimes I'm not aware of it because the saber doesnt leave any marks like it used to or it doesn't show smoke etc. much at all. It only shows the smoke effect once every 3-4 hits.


4. Is it possible to have a dismemberment option available for killing blows that could be enabled/disabled in the setup?


They're my main questions for now and thanks for the mod, i appreciate your work.

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1. Hadn't heard about that one before. I'll keep an eye out for it.


2. It's a known bug. I'll get it fixed when I have the time. :)


3. You mean saber on saber hits or hits on the actual players? I know that I redid the impact effects code since they needed to be tweaked for network play. However, this shouldn't be noticable in terms of ingame performance. This is an area of the mod that I've been wanting to modify for a while so this bug might be an opertunity for me to do so. :)


4. Uh, the basejka dismemberment cvars cover this. I beleive that I've set the defaults to be full dismemberment on, but it's possible that your particular config doesn't have that set up.


And thanks for the appraise. In case you're interested, I'm implimenting a new program of running Enhanced on the beta server on fridays. So, it would be great if you'd come out and join us. :)

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Ha I would love to play online but my connection isn't the fastest and definately not reliable. In regards to points 1 and 3 it seems those bugs only occur when the other player is using their saber when they use guns or wall hang etc. everything works normally. I'll keep playing thorugh things and if I notice anything else I'll keep you posted.

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Ha I would love to play online but my connection isn't the fastest and definately not reliable. In regards to points 1 and 3 it seems those bugs only occur when the other player is using their saber when they use guns or wall hang etc. everything works normally. I'll keep playing thorugh things and if I notice anything else I'll keep you posted.

Ok, so when is it happening? I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

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Sorry for not expanding enough. Okay when myself and the other player fighting and both use sabers things go a little wierd. We fight and drain each others fatigue thing and I crouch and swing at their legs but funny enough it goes through with no damage taken. Yet if he has a gun out, is wall hanging or is using melee and I swing at his legs with fatigue drained it does full damage. But hey it get's stranger, when he has his saber out and I use saber throw and it hits him in the legs it does full damage yet the normal attack won't. When I use a gun and hit his legs when he has a saber out it does full damage. So it's only saber verse saber that these things happen. Hopefully that's a little clrearer. :)

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hmmm, it's probably that the he's blocking the attack even thou it doesn't look like it. OR maybe he's dodging the damage, but the damage is so low that it's not making him physically dodge (a technical detail that I had to do to prevent idle sabers from causing dodges).


Anyway, thanks for the additional details. I'll keep an eye out for it. :)

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