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What am I doing wrong?


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1) I am trying to create custom robes for the PC and the jedi NPC characters (Atton, Mira, Handmaiden and Disciple). I've managed to create the uti files properly, and the robes work ok in the game, but I haven't got the small versions of the robe, see link for what I mean:




What files do I need to extract?


2) If I wanted to use an NPC head as one of the selectable PC heads, what do I need to change? For example, if I wanted to make Bastila's head selectable for a female PC (I don't want a mod that does this, I want to know how to do it).


Edit: Found an answer to second question

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For the first question what you need is a gui icon, you can extract them from ERF's-->Texture packs-->swpc_tex_gui.erf-->I . If you need an icon for the master robes its "ia_MstrRobe_xxx" or padawan robe "ia_JediRobe_xxx", "xxx" represents the texture variation, so you would use the same texture var for the icon that you used for the textures.

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