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Tough modeling question


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Okay first off hello to all here. I hope to post more on this board in the future but more for jka stuff and not mapping lol.


here goes. I am trying to import models from skin packs and the game to 3dsmax and pose them and then export them back to JKA. Now here is the deal. I can and have imported models to 3ds max. I have been able to render them textured. I am having a real problem with the biped to pose them. the legs get all distorted. I have also been able to export them back to jka but not with textures on them.


so here is the question. Is there a way to import models into 3dsmax or milkshape with a biped already inside the model or am i stuck trying to create my own to control it. I want to pose them only. but my bipeds are not working for some odd reason. also when i am finished and export it back to jka i think i know but just to be sure how do i get the textures to show up.


any help would be appreciated. thanks




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Nope, you can not import the models from JKA already setup onto a biped. In fact, you can't even use a biped as the skeleton to export back to JKA, unless of course you only want to have the model in one single pose.


For the textures to show up you need to make a skin file that tells modview where the textures are and what part of the model they are applied to.

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