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Idea for smugglers


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Smugglers need to smuggle/need to get their hands dirty. They seem to do little at the moment.


What if they made it so that if an imperial wanted to land on a rebel planet, they would need a smuggler to get them there. Or make it so that a smuggler would have to slice their weapons to pass detectors or something so that they could travel without needing a smuggler's escort.


** They could craft in smuggling chambers for ships so people can take their banned weapons with them. This make make them valueable to ship producers and necessary for imps/rebs who want to go onto the others property.


Also, they could bring back the bounty hunter missions. A smuggler could have counter missions to find the person before the BH does. That would be pretty cool, it would be a race to save the imp/rebs life.


Since there is no item decay, it would bring a new dimension to the game and something that was fun in the Old Game Experience.


Also, they need to bring back the crafting of spice to smugglers. Those little stims were cool pick me ups and a nice element of roleplaying. No it doesnt make people in real life want to do more drugs, so bring it back. Its silly too be a loot item.


I was looking at the smuggling profession, it seems like they arent really designed to be smugglers, but a quasi recon/light infantry. Sure the names of the actions sound smuggerlish, but really people...


Smuggling needs to play a larger part of the economy, for everyone. These are some few ideas, but lets bring some diversity to the game.


I really hate how everyone's class is the same. Its boring.

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Smugglers have been wanting something like this for a long time, and I think a huge smuggler revamp like this would be great for SWG. On the flipside I would like to see player bounties come back, but in the form of smugglers coming up on terminals - pipes dream yes, as player bounties will remain a thing in the past, but it would add some much needed immersion to the game.

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