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XWA Upgrade

Ham Yoyo

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How many use the XWA Upgrade and what do you think of it? I'm going to download it soon and play XWA again. I've only played XWA once and that was when it came out. I had most of the eye candy turned off on my P233MMX. I now have a PIII 550 and with the XWA Upgrade and all the features maxed out I think I'm in for a treat. I've been playing the Windows 95 version of X-Wing and I'm half way through with TOD 5 B-Wing. Then I'm on to XWA.



My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin isn't interested in downloading any upgrades...not since he caught that space dolphin virus hanging out in the sleazy free porn websites.


*(Bashes on cockpit door with gun.)*


'Allo? Do you know what GREAT JUSTICE means, gringo? biggrin.gif

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