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Stuck @ Stupid Bone Thing in MI2


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It seems a lot of people are having a problem with being stuck at that stupid bone thing in Le' Chucks fortress. I find that the verses do not match the bone arrangements at all. I have tryed to get past this point many times via restarting the game, reloading the software, and trying it from scratch on another computer with a different operating system. Basically everything I could think of. Despite all this I have never been able to get past this point! I have followed the walk-throughs perfectly getting past all points but his damn bone thing. I love this game but fear I will have to toss it out for fear of never being able to get past this part. What is the deal here? Is this glitch in the programming or am I doing something wrong? Please help me with any advice you could give to solve this part of the game. I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can offer on this issue. Care - Luna :Pir1:

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It's quite simple, basically, the first words of each line make up one of the doors (e.g, hip, leg, rib), just follow through that and it should work, i can't see anyway how you could be going wrong, maybe it's a problem with your game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I received advice from someone on another site that helped me solve this one.

Basically after going through anyone of the bone doors from the room with the three bone-design doors, instead of going back to that same room

you just back up and go down the long tunnel that you get put at after going through the door. Then roam the tunnel finding the bone/lyric matches one after the other in order of the song lyric verses. My problem came in when I didnt know about the tunnel and expected all the bonedoor/song lyrics to be there in that first room with the 3 bone structures. Thought I would just clairify things for anyone else who might be having the same problem. - L :king1:

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