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Ghost In The Shell


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Has anyone been able to figure out the whole story? I've watched it 8 times in 2 days and I still can't quite figure it out!



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I can help!


The ghost is a disinherited nephew with a projector behind a screen, and the shell game has been a trick all along.


What are we talking about again? smile.gif

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Guest Luke Skywalker

One of my favorite Animes smile.gif



"We did it!!!"

>May the force be with you<

Luke Skywalker, 38th Kokou Sentai



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Guest Rogue 9

Armatige the Third was better, well actually I can't really say that 'cause I have never seen ghost in a shell

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Ghost in the Shell..was wierd..really wierd, complicated.yes.

action packed.sorta kinda

distburbing..yes (not everyday u see a nude robots slice in half with wires, that look like intenstines hanging out)

All in all, i don't understand it, and don't have the attention spand to watch it yet another time




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