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Empire Mod


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just finished playing your new update, and it was awesome, now all i need are more planets, i like that their are 7 though, its a good start, maybe on the next one, add a few more, and maybe some isd's buildable, if its not to much....o and yeah the rebels build way to many han and chewie but oh well...thanks for the great mod

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<--v1.1.2--> has OBi one in the game. please remove him.

I had a spacebattle with rebels, where obiwan was in the fleet, thus ending the game.

also, 5 han-solo's- 5 wookies landed on curuscant without me noticing it. very annoying. shouldn't a lvl spacestation prevent that?



for the rest, great mod!!

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The rebels have an ability called raid where they can attack a planet directly, the same stuff happened to me, but I also had a fleet in orbit.

As for thw 2 han & chewies, I am trying to figure that out, I am going to look at that again, I give them one in the beginning, they should not be able to build more.

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Don't lose the demo feal of this mod. That's what I like about it. I don't want a mod with 40 planets and a load of half baked demo material or loaded with impossible actions like building imperial ships as a rebel.

Your mod "keeps it real" so to speak.

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I hope in the full game, there will be at least one way to block raids... (maybe a lvl5 space station or something similar)


Don't lose the demo feal of this mod. That's what I like about it. I don't want a mod with 40 planets and a load of half baked demo material or loaded with impossible actions like building imperial ships as a rebel.

Your mod "keeps it real" so to speak.


indeed. that's why i like this Empire mod. No too big, not too small

The only stopper is when Obi-wan is on the rebel side (Han-solo's is minor). when you attack, you can scheck if he is there and eliminate him via Bobba Fett.

Big problem however is when the rebels attack with obi-wan in their fleet. then it's CTD and u can't do anything about it. bit frustrating.


chr0n1x, please remove obi-wan (like u did with darth-vader), and i can run the demo without much troubles and no fear of crashing. (or tell me how to remove him in the xml Files and I'll do it myself.)


btw, is it normal the the home-one is so powerfull?

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Empire Mod v1.2

by Chr0n1x


Note: I will be adding Kuat, and Mon Calamari next version and then I will be reinstating the requirements for buildding an ISD/MonCal, you will have to control either Sullust, Mon Calamari or Kuat, but don't worry, Kuat will be given to you in the beginning, make sure you hold it!




Enabled Fire HyperVelocity Gun button

Added Story for Empire

Increased Reload Time for Ion Cannon

Ion Cannon does not affect objectives in land battles anymore

Hypervelocity Gun does not affect objectives in land battles anymore

Fixed double hero bug(I think), thanks to DarkArjapa

Added Sullust, Geonosis, Eriadu and Corellia


To install, simply extract & overwrite the xml, Scripts and Text folder to \GameData\Data Folder, this will work with any version of my mod 1.0+

unless specified.


To Uninstall: Delete your xml and Scripts folder, then go into your text folder, delete MasterTextFile_ENGLISH.dat and rename Backup__MasterTextFile_ENGLISH.dat to MasterTextFile_ENGLISH.dat


D/L: http://files.filefront.com/empiremod12rar/;4668202;;/fileinfo.html



Petroglyph Fan Forums Thread: http://pff.swrebellion.com/index.php?topic=1980.0

Email: chr0n1x@clonetrooper.com

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I'm trying to download the new version now. Does this version allow you to build star destroyers? v1.1.2 one didn't allow it. If this version doesn't allow users to build star destroyers and the death star, I will post a work-around that will allow users to build the required structures to built them.

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"I will be adding Kuat, and Mon Calamari next version and then I will be reinstating the requirements for buildding an ISD/MonCal, you will have to control either Sullust, Mon Calamari or Kuat, but don't worry, Kuat will be given to you in the beginning, make sure you hold it!"


I think this means no ISD or moncal's this version, soon though. I would love to see that work-around so we can build them. Nothing like centering a fleet around an ISD.

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Ok, the new version still won't allow you to build Star Destroyers, so I'lm going to tell you a work-around how to enable it. The problem lies in that starbases higher than level 2 are not allowed to be built in the demo and you need a level 4 starbase to build the imperial star destroyers. However, this can be changed by a quick and simple fix:


Note: Download and install the empire mod 1.2 before doing this. Also, you should always make backup copies of any files you change.


Step 1: Go into the XML directory and open up the STARBASES.XML file.

Step 2: Find the tag <StarBase Name="Empire_Star_Base_3"> and rename it to <StarBase Name="Empire_Star_Base_3a">

Step 3: Find the tag <StarBase Name="Empire_Star_Base_4"> and rename it to <StarBase Name="Empire_Star_Base_4a">

Step 4: Find the tag <StarBase Name="Empire_Star_Base_5"> and rename it to <StarBase Name="Empire_Star_Base_5a">

Step 5: Save and close the file.


Renaming the starbases does not change any in-game mechanics other than allowing you, the player, to build starbases lvl 3 and higher. To build the death star, you'll need a level 5 star base.


Until the mod creators re-instate the requirements of controlling certain planets to build ISDs, you will be able to use this method to build star destroyers on any planet. It should be noted that the level 4 starbase requirement is still there even if you control Kuat, Mon Calamari, or the other planets you need to control to build them.


That's it! Enjoy your new-found ability to build imperial star destroyers and the death star!

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this mod isn't very playable because i keep getting exception errors aftert about 15min!!!! sometimes before then what do i do??


Exception in thread 2ADCC - Main Thread
   The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
   Attempt to write to address 00000006

Exception occurred at 00400003 - Unknown code pointer

Stack walk:
 A6246C0D : Unknown
  00000000 : Unknown

Register dump:
 Eip:00400003	Esp:0022F568	Ebp:005AFEFF
 Eax:00000000	Ebx:00000006	Ecx:13E69838
 Edx:005683FD	Esi:141DD130	Edi:13E69838
 CS:001b  SS:0023  DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003b  GS:0000

Bytes at CS:EIP (00400003): 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 01 00 00 0E 1F BA 

Stack Dump:

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Are you using the swmod.exe file? If you use that exe then you are allowed to build those starbases.



Are you using a clean game of EaW, make sure your game is fresh, and has still got its original Config.meg file in there and there are no other mod files, it should work.

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Are you using a clean game of EaW, make sure your game is fresh, and has still got its original Config.meg file in there and there are no other mod files, it should work.


yea i uninstalled EAW and deleted the lucasarts folder then reinstalled EAW then the mod and it still does it i dont no why!!!

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um sry double post here but I just played some more and it crashed again ;(

Rebals attacking a planet with Han/chewie but i'm sure they had some other problem hero in that fleet cuz i'v fought han/chewie and not crashed.


Also why do all the ships attack asteroids? my fleets will jump into a rebal area and start lighting up the asteroids fields beside them.

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chr0n1x , thnx for the new update, it works now (obi is gone). played it yesterday t'ill the end without a crash.

I installed it as follows,


clean install

then the 1.0 version (big one)

then 1.1

then 1.11

then 1.12

and now 1.2.


works perfectly. I can also built ISD on LVL4 and Deathstar on LVL5 (LVL = starbases)

this is with 1.2.

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plz don't disable the Hero's. the ones in 1.2 are working fine.

like boba fett, Han solo & wookie, R2D2 & C3PO, Mara Jade, Ackbar, Rebel commander in modified corvette, captain Piett.

they all work very good and add any extra flavour to the game.


question; the indictor cruiser normally has 1 tie squadron & 1 bomber squadron. not in the game?

Also, the interdictor has the missile jamming device, although it doesn't seem to be working?

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clean install

then the 1.0 version (big one)

then 1.1

then 1.11

then 1.12

and now 1.2.


You have to install the old releases first? X_x


Most of my heros work but i seam to keep crashing when the rebels sneak past my fleets with certain units.


Clean install


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On the Obi-Wan bug, a quick workaround can be to disable it or replace it by something else.


For the first option (disabling him) just open HEROCOMPANIES.XML in /GameData/Data/Xml/


You can use NOTEPAD, no fear!


Search for Obi_Wan_Team


Browse down until you see this:


<Ranking_In_Category> 2 </Ranking_In_Category>



and change that line into the following:


<Ranking_In_Category> 2 </Ranking_In_Category>



That should work. As I haven't experienced this bug myself I cannot tell if it's because it's a fresh mod install or the planets are not correctly alligned or who-knows-what, BUT that little modification should get rid of Obiwan altogether.


Now if you want to keep Obiwan around you can just make him a space unit that will use a regular alliance transport (which means he'll be deadly easy to kill, I'm guessing).


To make him use a transport do exactly the same thing I wrote previously, but instead of NonCombatHero put SpaceHero.


Note that I have NOT experienced this bug/crash, sooo... just use this workaround if the game crashes

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