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I also found some action figures. They were on sale for £2.50 each, but hadn't been kept well, so I rescued 7 (all original releases too - what a shame !):


Han (ANH)


Light Sabre Obi Wan

Numb Nien

Lando (TESB)

And an original B-Wing pilot (Suprisingly enough called Cmdr Adamson....)


And as for Final Fantasy, I was official dubbed the MASTER of FF7 when I proved that I took out both Ruby and Emerald in under 10 mins each, with out taking damage in either. NOW who is the Final Fantasy Jedi Master then Sad Shadow ? Bet you never found the secret chicibo nest in FF7......


Final Fantasy 4-6 are classics, but hell to get a hold off. FF7 had the GREATEST storyline, game system, characters and music ever. It is a lot like SW in taht respect - every thing just naturally fitted, and all the little touches were there, like the boss battle in the Forgotten Capital, versus Jenova being. The music played is not the usual boss mucis, but Aeris's Theme. If you wana know why, then play it, I'm not gonna spoil it. Those who have played will know the sevtion I mean - you gotta agree, I was V well done !


Just thinking about SW models, so far I have a Diecast N1 and an in-flight X-Wing model, but I REALLY wanna get a full sized (you know what I mean, although a REAL one would be sweet !) B-Wing model. Anyone think they know where I can go ?



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

The Action Fleet series has a B-wing, but that might be smaller than you're thinking (the pilot is about 1/4 inch tall.) Try E-Bay, because most of the Action Fleet series will never be found in stores again.


Here is another true Star Wars collectible story to make you cry...I was one of the first kids to get the original Star Wars action figures. I had a Luke, a Han, a Leia, and a couple of other main characters. My grandparents had ordered them for me before they came out in the stores...they came packaged in a plain, brown box.


Lost them all years ago. I wonder what they'd be worth now.

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I saw few action fleet ships at the toy store today when i bought those dolls. They were all ships i had (TIE Bomber, Int, Snowspeeder, and the Y-Wing).

Anyhow, i got the one doll for $7.99 and the other for a WHOLE CENT. They're so desperate to unload dolls that are originally marked $24.99 that they're practically paying me to take them away.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

That's funny. Our local Toys R Us has been doing the same thing with all of its Star Wars stuff. I picked up my action-figure size TIE/A for five bucks, and my N64 copy of Episode One: Racer for ten bucks brand new.


Maybe we're out of vogue. wink.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

With toy and game prices what they are, this is a helluva time to have the mind of a child and the wallet of a grown-up. wink.gif


When I was a kid, do you know what we did when we wanted to dogfight each other Star Wars style? We chased each other in the front yard with our toy X-wings and TIE fighters!!! Now, we hang up the toy spaceships and duke it out on the computer, in hyperrealistic starfighter sims...



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  • 3 weeks later...

After two long years of incapacity to kill Wrexsoul in FF III I finally did it (almost a month ago, I couldn't believe it...) and I am currently finishing the game. I'm just training my guys befor I go kill kefka, I now have 2 level 99 with 9999 HP and about 960MP and in one attack they take off 9999 HP. FF3 is the best.

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The only reason the toy stores are selling the SW toys for less , is becuase they r getting ready for the next episode to come out. Around here, they r selling them for 1.50 for the older SW series, and 3.00 for the episode 1. My collection consists of Transformers:Beast wars, SW, a few unsmashed GI Joes(which was the best toy ever) and a few of those vehicles, and some batman stuff, alil bit this and alil bit that



ummm....i was going to say something

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Guest Conor

I've been away for a while haven't I?


I have played several of the Final Fantasy games, and they have been enjoyable. Chrono Trigger beat any of them as far as I am concerned and I have heard very good things about Chrono Cross.


Just recently I played Grandia 2 for the Dreamcast and it quite simply beat the snot out of any Squaresoft RPG I have ever played. They weren't even on the same playing field in terms of character depth and development. Storyline had some interesting twists too. No harder than the FF's though.

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