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Is this a droid or furniture?


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I've had a little bug occur in the "leagacy" quest series....was wondering if you guys had this happen too...


On the last "Watto mission" where EV-9D9 sends you to the Darklighter cave to attach pain bolts to 3 droids, when I return....it does not complete the "travel to draklighter cache" component, he gives me the droid head and I can move on in the quest series, but I do not get the XP, Credits or chooseable award for completing the mission. It happened on 2 different servers with 2 diff char, so I imagine it is a glitch....has anyone fixed this? Or did I just miss something?


Finally, what do you do with the "reassembled droid and droid head"? It comes up as "furniture" in my inventory...does it get assembled later or is it just a keepsake?

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Happened to me too. I just dropped the droid head at my house and forgot about it basically. I don't get the rewards or the XP for that section of the quest though, even though I'm finished with the Legacy quest. Went back to Watto and still nothing, just a glitch I suppose.

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Yeah, you gather all the parts....and watto tells you to take it to naboo, but nothing more...I guess you are suppoesed to end up with a working R2 unit?


Also, I just started "pilot training" on Naboo in Moenia with the rebs....it ssems to be advancing me along with abilities for starships, but with really no explanation of how to switch components and so forth....is there a guide for this somewhere?

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