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You shouldn't have too much trouble gaining XP then, I was a level 80 and went to 90 just by doing some of the Kashyyyk quests I didn't do before. It's harder to gain XP just through hunting anymore, since everything is geared up towards questing. It is possible, but you don't see as many hunting groups as there once were - lately I've been spending my time grouping with newer players who need help with the legacy quest. At the moment Kashyyyk and Mustafar are best places for high end players to level, as alot of the other quests tend to stop at level 30.

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You say most of the quests top out at level 30? Is that true for Legacy as well....just curious how much more is left...I am to the point of looking for droid parts with the RSF computer at the moment...but am past lvl 30.


Also, how and when do I get access to Mustafar and Kashyyk (I have purchased and d/l'd Expansion packs)? Does it require a certain level of pilot skill first, or is it based on combat XP?

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-Launch into space. select H for hyperspace. choose Krash from list. fly.

-leaving. you can travel to any starport in the galaxy without launching to space by using the travel option thenthe drop down box once you have selected your planet.



-Travel to Talus or Corellia. you can purchase a ticket from any starport. this planet does not have a Space sector (aye, i know) so you can not hyperspace there NOR can you use your own craft to travel there. you must use the galactic travel terminal.

-leaving. purchase ticket from terminal to talus or corellia.

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Does my basic "Syck" fighter have Hyperspace? I read that the Reb. or Imp. Trainer gives you a ship...but that has not happened yet...of course I think I'm only to level 3 or 4 in the pilot training.



Yes the "suck" fighter ( mwahaha ) does have hyperspace engine. All crafts has.

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when JTL was first introduced...the training ship did not have hyperspace. then people whined and they gave the training ship hyperspace......this was a few days after I bought my first ship when they had astronomical prices and went to the poor house..again.

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