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Are pre AT-AT's from the creenshot at ign in the game?


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Guest GhostKeeper

is that ss at a diff res then 1024 x whatever. because the artilley look totally different. and those do look like pre at-at's becuz they dont seem to have as much amour...but even the anti air guys look like big blops. wierd ss!

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Guest xwing guy

Thats an early screenshot. I've looked on the tech tree for every civ and in the Imps I don't see a pre AT-AT. They might have decided to take it out of the game completly.

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

So I don't get it, if it's the un-upgraded Hvy Strike Mech, as Rommel says, then it's in, isn't it?


Forget what I said there... An un-upgraded HSM is called an AT-AT. The upgraded form is called the "Heavy AT-AT". So, yeah they must have deleted it from the game :(

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Guest Luke Skywalker

woha that picture is old. It looks like it was taken from E3. Look at te size of the troopers to the AT-ATS it looks so weird

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