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English and my Class.

Admiral Odin

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Originally posted by Thrawn:

I'm taking IB classes next year

I'm in honors now, so I figure it's the next logical step


So some of you guys never heard of IB?the "Bac" is very well know in the french educational system (the one I'm in...) I am currently in "premiere S" (I think it's "Lower 6th forme" for you guys...) anyways after the "premiere" you' ve got one more year: "Terminale" then you're off to Universtity or "Prepa" (Prepa is when you study for Bac+1, Bac+2 etc). the Bac starts in premiere (oh my god i'm gonna have it !!!) but only in the french literature subject. When you are in Terminal you get the Bac on everything else. The total points that a subject can give you depends on the serie you choose once in "premiere" ( Scientific (S), Social economics (ES) or Literature (L): those are the three main ones.). Anyways studying for the Bac in "Terminal" is hell: you've got a total of 10 complete subjects (you cannot choose; they give and you can't say no. On those 10 subjects I am not counting sports... ) to know and pass... My brother passed it last year with "mention bien" and after all his effort he was damn happy. I'm planing on skiping Terminal and getting to university.

Thrawn you are crazy for doing the bac specially when you are not obliged doing it (in french system must do it).


Will it be on all the 11 subjects? or is it different?



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Alors, Jem tu n'aille pas addresser la question du Gold Leader--c'est des unites ou d'unites? rolleyes.gif


Moi, je pense que c'avait raison la premiere fois. Mais bien sur, je ne suis que cochon americain, et il y-a longtemps (16 ans) depuis j'en ai etudie a l'ecole...



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Since everyone seemed so intrigued, an update:


The babe and I will apparently be going to see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon tonight (we're currently Em'ing back and forth to find a place to meet).


I also seem to be the only reason she's passing the course. She misses almost every class, but I type up my notes and send 'em her way.


Either she's a brilliant actress, or she's actually interested in what I have to say.


Oh, and she's a redhead. . . but not a natural redhead. wink.gif


<small>Now watch'em pounce on that one.</small>



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

You poor thing. My favorite hangover cure was a cheeseburger with ortega chili and jack cheese.


The ortega chili is the curative agent. Not sure why. biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

The ortega chili is the curative agent. Not sure why. biggrin.gif


Don't remember the name, but if this is the same stuff I'm thinking of, it's probably because it'll take your head clean off.


We had a fun time last night. It wasn't a date date, BTW, but her and her two friends and me (after the movie we ditched them and went cruising).


As for the redhead thing, when I knew her last semester, she had brown hair (and did last night as well, actually), and her red hair had brown roots. I assume that brown is her natural colour.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon rocks, incidentally.



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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I am not crazy. I know that it's a hard program, I had a lot of friends who did it last year. Don't worry.



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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  • 1 month later...

Well then good luck Thrawn.


Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Alors, Jem tu n'aille pas addresser la question du Gold Leader--c'est des unites ou d'unites?


Moi, je pense que c'avait raison la premiere fois. Mais bien sur, je ne suis que cochon americain, et il y-a longtemps (16 ans) depuis j'en ai etudie a l'ecole...


First I'll correct your mistakes (in bold):

Alors, Master (j/k)Jem tu n'a pas repondu la question de Gold Leader--c'est des unités ou d'unités?


Moi, je pense qu'il avait raison la première fois. Mais bien sur, je ne suis qu'un cochon d'americain, et il y a longtemps (16 ans)


depuis j'en ai etudie a l'ecole... wazzat? confused.gif? what did you want to say? study what, french??


As for Gold Leader, it depends what he means: its d'Unités if he means:

Long Live the International System of Unity

and its des Unités if he means:

Long live the International System of Unities

but it can also mean:

Long live the International System of Units


So both of them can be correct depending on you want it to be: plurial or singular.



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

J'essaie='I try.'




How do you do the french accents, anyway? I don't seem to have them on my keyboard...

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well I just type '(next to the : key) or `(next to the 1 and ! key) and then the letter you want an accent on (é è à...)

or if that doesn't work just use the command:

hold "ALT" then "130" for é

hold "ALT" then "133" for à

go from 130 to 151 for every letter with an accent....


Oh yeah, tomorow I have an unofficial French IB (for training but still is important) and this morning I was playing basketball and I fractured my right hand thumb. I can't write so can't do the IB, people will think I did it on purpose... rolleyes.gifsmile.gif


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

It's a shame they can't use keyboards. You seem to be writing just fine here...


Speaking of 'can't use keyboard.' rolleyes.gif Oi! Attempting new accent trick now:

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well I just don't use my thumbs when I type.... only for spacebare but I have my left thumb for that. I f I used my thumb to type it would be somthing like this:

I asmn typpiym withj my thuimnbn,.

I tried to write: I am typping with my thumb.

I have this really huge bandage on with some sort of support for my thumb...


I rarely/never use the accents when typping...



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Guest Zoom Rabbit



Yay! I have discovered the secret art of accent aigue par ordinateur! Now I can type (the polite part of) my favorite French expression without sounding ridiculous:


<center>Baton tranché</center>


...The impolite part is what you're supposed to do with it. wink.gif

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