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Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

here we have been coming up with many funny charities and this has spread to my school we have come up with -


save the ants - today there are only 63,675,678,153 million ants around the world today


save the duck billed platpuss




GET MILKY A GIRLFRIEND - he keeps asking how do me and coffeebean get girlfriends when he never get any and we keep answering that he has to ask girls out to get a girlfriend (he hasnt done this yet) so everybody get asking girls out for milky!!! (any girls on this forum might want to do him a favor?)



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest AceAzzameen

No g/f for milky... that could possibly, however unlikely, lead to a milky junior... and that's something the world just doesn't need. biggrin.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

hey sorry it was more of a bet with milky than anything he thought i wouldnt dare post that and i just wanted to prove im wrong - im sorry if anyone took offence at it it wasnt meant that way



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Redwing




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

So why hasn't anyone found Milky a girlfriend, yet?


Here, dood, you can date my sister! She isn't much for conversation (other than the normal range of gibbers and shrieks) but she tests negative for rabies.


That smell? Well, you try getting her to hold still for the garden hose...



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Jabba you don't seem to realize that one of the things that can cause problems at the forums is when you bring your personal life here. you may seem to get a kick out of making fun of milkshake all the time, but i doubt he appreciates it, and i know we all don't. he doesn't make fun of you all the time. if you don't have something either relevant or completely absurd to say, don't say anything at all. i'm sick of your little milky tangents. so cut it out already.



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

how can he date your sister zoom when i fantasises about mine!?



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

how can he date your sister zoom when i fantasises about mine!?


You know thats illegal in alot of Countries Jabba, although I don't expect much more from one who names himeself after a Hutt


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Guest rosencrantz

i just left this thread. AND THEN!!! had this revelation. i pondered why the boy may not have had a g/f yet (if indeed it is true). there has been nothing on the forums that *i* have seen to disqualify milky as a stallion. (or so i thought until i rested upon the type of company he keeps).


<font color="maroon"> MILKY!! if you hang around "milky's friends"......i rest my case.</font color="maroon">

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Guest rosencrantz

hm. i think i may have killed this thread. apparently i cannot edit my own posts.


this is a test....*le sigh*

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