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XWing Trilogy - pilot editor for xwing

Guest sandmanj9j9

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Guest sandmanj9j9

Is there a pilot editor out there for the X-Wing Trilogy version of the original X-Wing. Or for TIE Fighter for that matter. Any light on the subject would be appreciated, even if the answer is no smile.gif

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Click on this link: http://www.pcgameworld.com/cheats/x/xwingmain.htm

One of the pilot editors work with X-Wing. They run in DOS and were for the DOS version but I got one to work with the Windows 95 version. If you edit the first tour of duty it will change the second tour of duty and so on. If you can get past the first TOD OK you are set.





My Dream, to fly a starfighter and destroy Imperial ships.

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Guest Thrawn

Have fun blowing away X-Wings in TIE Fighter!



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by JR2000Z:

I got the Emporer's Hand.


How dare they give out that rank, tis reserved for Mara and no one else



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9

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Guest Rogue 9

no Mara was the only true hand of the Empereor, he had other minions but non with that title biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited March 23, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Zaarin, you should at least read the Thrawn trilogy, set right after ROTJ and EXCELLENT reading.


A lot of SW books are just not worth your time and money, but these kicked a** like few others. biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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