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Vampire Jedi Mod (TSL)


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i'm new to the world of modding so i don't know if it can be done, but i was hoping that someone could do a mod that would make a new vampire male PC head. i have alot of cool ideas to make it very detailed, but i'll start with the basics and take it from there. obviously it'd have to look like a vampire which could probably be done either by making a completely new PC head like i said before or it may be easier to simply make some sublte changes to the DS transition. it doesnt matter because i intend to be DS anyway. now, if you did do it through DS transition then it'd be cool if the more evil you became the more vampiric you became.(don't know if any of this is possible, just hoping!) also, if it isn't too much trouble, i was thinking that there could be some vampire items that you would get at the very beginning of the game.(example: being able to create the items at the lab station at the beginning of peragus or recieving them after your first conversation with kreia.) items that i had in mind would be robes that would be mostly black with a red shirt, a pair of swords that would be large, curved, and with "teeth" on the back (if possible), and a headband in the style of the "circlet of saresh" that would be red and black. and last, but not least, force powers! a vampire should be able to use "drain life" on all NPCs and maybe some other powers to like force choke or force confusion. anyway, that's all i can think of for now. if anyone could do this for me i would be forever grateful! please, somebody make my dream come true! thanks!

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Well, new PC head - no, but changes for DS transition on those you have in the game is possible. New items, yes, force powers can also be done, but still I don't think you can drain life from frendly target, like your NPCs.

Generaly, I think that mostly it's possible, but it would take time :)

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