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Having problems with a few things..


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I have recently installed a few of the following Mods on my TSL game, Holowan Plugin,USM,Skip Peragus,Lonna Vash V2.1, High powered force powers, Ice&fire robes,Exile aromor robes and Svoshs robe fix and ascociated mods w/ the robe fix. Anyways I am having a few problems like the game would freeze up at the part where Mira enters the Jek Jek Tarr on Nar Shadd, and when you enter the Tomb of Ludo Kressh on Korriban, where according to the Lona Vash Mod you have an encounter with the soon to be deceased Jedi Master, BUT in both of these following instances the game gets an error messaf and then has to go back to the desktop because of some error.


Note* up until those two points the game worked great


Help would be deeply appreciated

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