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Duality: SW fan movie


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Hey have any of you seen that Star Wars fan movie on the web called Duality? I think it's pretty amazing! If you don't know about it you can find it at:



It's kind of a look at the training of a Sith apprentice. It was made by a couple of guys with a few DV Cams and a Mac. Looks spectacular for a project of that scope. If they haven't got a job offer from ILM then it should be a matter of time. Check it out and let me know what you think.

You need Quick Time to view it, and it's a couple of minutes long, so if you have a connection slower tha DSL plan on tying up your system for a while.



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited March 24, 2001).]

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Well the T1 and T3 are most likely lines at work or school, right 9? We have a T1 at work, but I have to share it with hundreds of others frown.gif. My cable modem at home is much MUCH faster smile.gif. Needless to say I have a better system at home too.



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest Rogue 9

T1 at Work, T3 at School, and Cable At Home biggrin.gif, and I have to use a Modem when I'm on the Road frown.gif



"The truest measure of a society is how it treats it's Elderly, It's Pets and It's Prisoners."

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ive got a cable modem and its great (64k/sec) the one problem is downloading - im not talking about small downloads im talking about the 30meg - 115 meg (demo for elite force) the problem i have is that during big downloads like that it slows down the tranfere rate at the bottom displays about 10k/sec 1) is there anyway to fix it and 2) why couldnt my dad have paid more for a 512K modem



ill get round to putting something here tommrow


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Guest Rogue 9

Over here in America My Cable Maxes out at around 2 MBps although I have yet to find a web server capable of it. frown.gif

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Guest Redwing


That little movie was really cool! biggrin.gif (I wish Darth Rive [yellow saber] had won though... frown.gif )



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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I've found that my cable modem connection is at least twice or three times faster using Windows ME as it was with 98se. I don't know what the difference is. Most people really hate WinME though, so I would be very reluctant to recommend it. I haven't had any problems, I think it works great. Anyway there's a brand new version of Windows (XP) coming out before the end of the years, so it's kinda pointless to upgrade now.



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

My computer won't play movies no matter how hard I beat it with a cable!


None of the slots are big enough to take the videotape...


--Confused on Earth smile.gif

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Guest Fondas

Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

My computer won't play movies no matter how hard I beat it with a cable!


None of the slots are big enough to take the videotape...


--Confused on Earth smile.gif


ROTFLMAO biggrin.gif


I have the exact same problem Zoom !!! tongue.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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I dunno, works for me. Are you guys sure you're using a big enuff cable? Sometimes taking the video tape out of it's case and feeding it into the floppy drive slot has been known to work! wink.gif



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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