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My Old SIg...

Guest janek17

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Guest janek17

right, i think it was kinnison that said in jabba's thread, my new sig, that someone else said about there being too many threads about new sigs... well, WE DON'T CARE!!!! if you have a new sig, we will only notice it if it is really good, but don't patronise us and point it out!!!



*starts frothing at the mouth...



and it's always milky or Jabba (who was nexus)


the only reason i'm including mine, is because i'm not sad enough to change it any more!!! why? oh why did they put ME on this earth?!? i dont belong...



mp3 rulez

don't go out and but metallica's album...


the best things in life are free...

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Guest janek17

no, i'm fed of topics... my new sig..


it's sad, stupid, pointless... much like this thread, but this is my awareness to stopping it.

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Guest Fondas

Janek is right !


If you really have a witty sig, someone will notice it, eventually.


The "new sig" threads have been a custom here for ages, but that doesn't mean that I approve it. They ARE useless and I'm really glad that someone mentioned that, appart from the mods/admins.



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Rogue 9

I can't come up with witty sigs, I just rip off witty quotes from other people. biggrin.gif



"With only two parents and a handful of siblings, Is it any wonder that humans are so obsessed with finding love?" -- Fragment of a Than-Thre-Kull anthropology text

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