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Abilities and such


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I'm trying to create a couple of new unit abilities and I've run into a bit of an impasse... does anyone know where the abilties themselves are defined? I know how to add the existing abilities to other units, that's easy enough.


To start, I'm trying to create a special rocket attack for TIE bombers, something like Piett's ability, but instead of firing a single beam firing a pair or rockets from each bomber. Veers' ability works around the same way I wanted, so I tried <TYPE>MAXIMUM_FIREPOWER</TYPE> and used the associated code. Causes the game to crash. I checked the projectiles I was using by deleting the ability section and it worked fine.


The other thing I can think of the Y-Wing ion cannon attack, which has nothing modifiable in the ability list. So they must be defined somewhere else and just referenced... so does anyone know where?

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I figured it out... simpler than it seemed. So here's a screenshot.



Yellow things are the rockets, blue things are my proton torpedo sprites (you might recognize the style as XvT). I've done a bunch more graphics modifications that I can post up if people want.



Next question: where are the tooltips, names and stuff stored? ie. the stuff the game looks for when it sees TEXT_ID_TIE_BOMBER in the xml file. Need to rename the ability now, Ion Torpedo isn't quite right.

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Nobody knows? Or interested at all?


Anyways, did some more experiments with new projectile types and graphics.


This is the Imperial Modified corvette, which sacrifices speed and anti-fighter capacity for a slightly heavier armament and shield grid. Has 2 dual laser turrets (more powerful but less accurate against fighters) and a pair of light concussion missile launchers, as well as an "overcharge" ability which drops the corvette's shields, increases laser damage and doubles engine speed.

Really needs a new model, but the blue striped version of the corvette works ok.




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Yet again, I figured it out myself...


I might as well make this my showoff thread, see if anyone become more interested....


FX editing continues...



Fighter explosion FX




Light laser cannon FX



Proton Torpedoes



Exploding Marauder corvette



ISD gun batteries (I think the ion cannons need to be more defined - they're the faint blue ones)



ISD exploding (as soon as I figure out how to get rid of the blue....)



..something blowing up



Something on the Acclamator blowing up


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They're free, I think that's special enough.....


Personally I think the Imperial Star Destroyers need a compliment of Interceptors and bombers... I want to see TIE Interceptors :(

We need the model. After we have that it should take ~2 minutes to mod in :)
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