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Another Post from me

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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why can't you people get it right???



GEEKS work on computers and all that stuff.


NERDS are the ones who are in school and study a lot and all that stuff.


and you are all geeks and/or nerds.

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Originally posted by Ike:

GEEKS work on computers and all that stuff.


that assumes what i do can be classed as "work," which it clearly cannot.


NERDS are the ones who are in school and study a lot and all that stuff.


I think i just ruptured my spleen in laughter when i tried to see if this applied to me.


In conclusion, I'm a loser.

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Long live the losers!



"I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I'd never see. I wanted to breathe smoke."

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

nute was a nerd when they looked at his picture


Ok ****wad, how does one LOOK like a nerd? I mean THINK ABOUT IT ****ER. In BOTH the pictures of me i posted I had some type of formal-like wear on (a sportcoat and a tux). Normally I wear jeans and t-shirt, a black hat, and have some kind of coat/jacket on. Judging from TV's representation of a "nerd" i don't fit. Nor do nerds have any kind of facial hair or dye their hair red (according to TV); I have both. I do not have a whiny nasal "nerd" voice. Frequently I am misunderstood because of my low toned mumbling.

Anyhow, I could go on and launch a personal attack against you in many different forms. But I would have to resort to using profanity and gay pornography (by which i mean lesbian threesomes because that would offend someone that likes hot BOY ON BOY action like yourself).

If you feel the need to classify me as something...i dunno, goth would be more appropriate despite my thirst for capital gain and my non-satanic ways.

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i AM a nerd, thank you very much tongue.gif i would have glasses but i've had contacts since i was in sixth grade, i study a lot, i read books ALL the time, i'm smart...doesn't that fit the definition of a nerd? i sure hope so wink.gif who wants to be normal anyway?

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NERDS are the ones who are in school and study a lot and all that stuff.

Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

I think i just ruptured my spleen in laughter when i tried to see if this applied to me.




Yeah thats soooooo not Nute.


Ok jabba, I can write some HTML, I play computer games and video games alot.


Now, I go out drinking with friends EVERY WEEKEND . I go to all sorts of parties that I get INVITED to, and I am in a SOCIAL Frat. So according to the first part, I am a nerd. Now, following that, I GUARENTEE that EVERY PERSON in my frat plays N64 ALOT(BOND PD and CONKER) and lots play computer games. I would put LOTS of money that this trend goes to every house, I know people in other house that are the same way. So, since frat boys are suppossed to be all the cool kids in college, can they possibly be nerds?


The point to this little rant is to say this, EVERYONE AND ANYONE can be a NERD or a GEEK, all that has to happen is ONE PERSON needs to think so.


I routinely get harped at from upstairs,(shrill mom voice) "what are you doing on that computer?!!" and i answer, 'talking to my friends', and NO ONE I HAVE EVER MET IN PERSON is online, usually is a kid from pennsylvania that apparantly has red hair. Thats why we are here. Not because we are nerds, or geeks, you actually touched on it before you went schitzo on us, we are a COMMUNITY.


So who likes my excessive use of caps????!

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Guest Rogue 9

I am Very much a GEEK, I work on Computers all day, I go to school work on Computers more, Go home and work on them some more...did I mention I don't talk in my sleep, I Type biggrin.gif



"With only two parents and a handful of siblings, Is it any wonder that humans are so obsessed with finding love?" -- Fragment of a Than-Thre-Kull anthropology text

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Guest Rogue 9

the point flew right past me to, faster than a tomahawk in terrian following mode biggrin.gif



"With only two parents and a handful of siblings, Is it any wonder that humans are so obsessed with finding love?" -- Fragment of a Than-Thre-Kull anthropology text

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will you PLEASE stop making stuff up that makes you sound vaguely intelligent?

A Tomahawk cruise missile's speed is fixed at roughly 550 mph, which is almost max output for it's engines. Using the TERCOM guidance package wouldn't have any effect on the weapon's speed. If it DID, it would probably slow the weapon down, as it would need to have a look at the ground below it and it can't get a good scan if it's hurtling along faster than it's sensors can return a signal and adjust it's course when needed.

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Guest Rogue 9

and I do think I'm intelligent, thank you very much, for Comparison sake a terrian following Tomahawk is much more likely to fly by an enemy than a Tomahawk in cruise mode, which could be easily targeted by air defense systems

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

1. Milky will back me up im am dyslexic.


2. At no point did i say that nerds or geeks did not have social lives im a geek and i have one.


3. Im not a scitzo (sp)


4. Im very sorry about posting two many new threads


5. Would someone please check this for spelling and gramma so i can see what you are all talking about



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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um, what?

All the different guidance packages (TERCOM, inertial, and the handful of GPS ones they tested) all fly at the same altitudes...they all have the same probability of detection. Unless there's some kind of magic device that can detect the TERCOM scanning laser....

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