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Possible Copyright Infringement with BF 2 Mod?


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Hey. There is this new mod for Battlefield 2 coming out called "First Strike." In one of their recent interviews they mentioned something about heroes. Let me post an excerpt.




TotalBF2: Speaking of the lightsaber and given other such Star Wars games that use this feature, is a Jedi player mode/class planned for First Strike?


Yes! However, please do not expect to see dozens of Jedi/Sith running around the screen as you would see in the Jedi Knight games. That would be very innacurate as most of the Jedi were wiped out by the Galactic Civil War era, and there were only two Sith. We are not planning to just include Jedi/Sith, but Heroes/Villains, and Bounty Hunters as well. These special classes (Jedi, Sith, Heroes, Villains, Bounty Hunters) will not be playable by everyone, but a few players on the map will be chosen to play the special class. So for example, on Hoth, we can have the Sith for the Empire as Darth Vader, the Villain for the Empire as General Veers, the Jedi for the Rebel Alliance as Luke Skywalker, and the Hero for the Rebel Alliance as Wedge Antilles. Obviously not everyone will be able to play them, but 4 players will be chosen to play these special classes. When one of the special classes dies, another player gets to control the special class. Depending on the map, there might be less or more than 4 special classes. So for example, the Tantive IV will have 2 special classes instead of 4, Princess Leia and Darth Vader. We have not determined how a person gets chosen for a special class, but it will probably be random.


Isn't that copying the hero feature from Battlefront 2? I think they're copying it. And also I don't think modifications can use copyrighted Star Wars names such as Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker can they? I thought all mods are forbidden to use copyrighted characters. By the way this is the mod's website.




Your thoughts on this please.

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This guy was at one point a member of the very same MOD Team its a shame to see you doing this Vader. Not only is he trying to make us look bad but HE actuallu wrote and published that article before the Team had a chance to see it.


Theres no need really to do this, if things could have been sorted out Im sure they could have you know.

By doing this its kinda lame to be honest still if thats what you feels best then thats your choice. Were making this MOD purely for fun and non-profit.


There are no Star Wars Characters such as Jedi or Sith, and no named Characters. We do this for the love of it and without profit.


Theres a link to the Official Site and a disclaimer also. Why are we making it because we are Fans of what George gave us, pure and simple and were trying to keep that magic alive in our own small way.

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So, the idea is to take Battlefield 2, and mod Star Wars into the game? I don't think this belongs in our Feedback Forums.


Welcome to the forums.


Next question: Is this some type of arguement that started on another site, and found its way to this one?


Thankyou. Essentially Charizard was a member but is no longer in the Team.

Your right of course it should never have ended up here.

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