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[TSL]hostile item spells (flame thrower)


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i want to equip Mandy with a wrist mounted flame thrower like Jango Fett. now i tried a thing or two, the headers in spells.2da say only so much to my limited imagination, i can't seem to get much out of it so i tried cloning the base item for droid utility devs without the droid-only restriction, i can equip the item but it doesn't appear in the spell action slot as it does for droids. is there any workaround you can think of?

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well, what i want to do seems to be impossible coz'you can't make an armband (or whatever) pick an actual target if you're using a human, i also tried directly granting the spell and other stuff, it seems the game just makes a racial test (some other test for force powers) to determine whether or not show the item/spell icon so that one can use it. thanks for the link anyway, i learned something :)

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Actually the armband does do the targeting, but you don't. :D

That is the tricky part -- the armband metnioned above picks the closest hostile enemy and you have to activate it in the "Friendly" selection box like other armbands.

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