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Sound Track Editor Development


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I'm in the process of making a soundtrack editor tool. This tool should easily apply to the retail version of the game if the retail version is as easy to mod as the demo.


Anyways, right now, I only have about 6 out of 26 songs classified according to when they occur during the game, and I need some help determining when certain songs play so that people can easily choose their own music for such situations. All the coding is pretty much finished, I just need to organize everything so that it's all nice and easy for users to understand.


Right now I have classified 6 of the most obvious ones:








The last one, EMPIRE_AT_WAR.MP3, is one of the random space battle musics.


So, I'm putting the call out for those who would answer it. If someone would help classify the music according to what in-game events they correspond to, I'll make sure they recieve full credit for doing so.

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Imperial March goes on the intro screen for sure. Oops, never mind, that was kindda dumb, yeah , it is quite obvious :). I'll look into it though.


-ESB THE IMPERIAL PROBE happends when the action starts on space(as the empire, I'm not sure if its the same for the rebels).

-THE DUNE SEA OF TATOOINE is one of the campaign songs.

-ROTJ ALLIANCE ASSEMBLY plays right when you get to a planet and are calling reinforcements down (no action).

-ROTJ APPROACHING THE DEATH STAR plays when you attack a planet and are on the loading screen.

-CREDITS 2A plays when the action starts in a land battle.

-THE BATTLE RAGES ON plays in the campaign map as well. Rebel victory plays when at the beginign of a space battle. The rest I don't know yet.


If you can figure it out, I think it'd be real nice to have Duel of the Fates for the intro song.

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I'll be posting an early version of this software soon so that people can begin testing it.


As for having "Dual of the Fates" as the intro song, thats all up to you. Using this program you'll be able to set that song to whatever event you want as long as you have it in a mp3 file.

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I can't tell if it will work with the full game or not since the full game isn't out yet. However, if the full game works just like the demo, then I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.


As far as development time, all the back-end coding is pretty much finished, I just need to classify all the music.

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If you read first post of this thread, I list the one's I've already figured out. Basically, I need help with all the other 20+ songs by classifiing them according to when they occur.


Also, I also need help in figuring out if EMPIRE_AT_WAR.MP3 only plays when the player is the Empire or if it plays independent of the player's selected faction.


I'm in the process of compiling a very limited version of this program right now. It will only have 5 songs availible to alter since I haven't fully classified the rest. As a heads-up I'm pretty sure that this software will require the .Net 2.0 Framework to be installed on your computer. If you don't have it, go download it at:



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I looked in the XML file and this is what I've found














+ROTJ_Shuttle_Tydirium_Appraches_Endor.mp3, +ANH_Tales_of_a_Jedi_Knight.mp3,















+Cantina_1.MP3, Cantina_2.MP3




That's part of it. Go under the music.xml file to see all the audio files and what they are placed to. Some files don't exist but they might work if you put in a file with that name so...yeah. You might want to test it first.

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I'm pretty sure not all of the songs listed in the demo actually will make an appearance until the full game. For instance, the credits song I'm sure will play at the end of a succeesful Rebel campaign(call it a feeling from the force), as it was the last song in one of the original movies. As for me being able to set my own music for the game, I get the point now :). That Battle of Heroes and Duel of the Fates song will certainly make an appearance on mine :).

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Unfortunately, filefront has turned off their file upload service for maintenance. I'll try to upload the program again tomorrow.


Thanks for the help sithman, that pointed me in the right direction. I'll definiately have to re-release another version of this software for the full retail game since there are a bunch of music files not included in the demo. The good news is that the turn-around time should be very short. Let's all hope that the full retail version has easy to extract meg files like the demo has.

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Some good news and some bad news...


Good news is I figured out how to greatly reduce the install program's size as well as clean up a lot of bugs that the inital debug release has been having.


Bad news is that you're gonna have to wait a little longer. Trust me, the wait is worth it. I have some screens of the program (see link below) and you can tell that the version that I was going to upload has a long ways to go. The final version will be a lot cleaner and a bit more user-friendly.


The screens do show a general idea of how the program will work. You will install it using an installer. After that, an inital config screen will pop up and ask you to locate and verify your Empire at War Demo install before extracting and coping some needed files. This is important since the main program depends on this information being accurate. Then, the main program window will launch and you'll get to browse for music to assign to an event, preview your selection, set it, or restore the music back to it's default settings.


The screens are of a very early build. A lot might, can , and will change before the final version is released. For example, in the final build, the text boxes in the main program screen will read only so that you can't you to type in whatever you want. This is designed to protect the demo program from crashing since the demo only knows how to interpret .mp3 files.


Screens of debug build 0.0.1, aka, "omfg that's an early build!"



After the final build is released, I'll start converting the existing program to a new version that will be compatable with the full retail release of the game.

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It's up! Version 1.1 is availiable at filefront. Check out the version 1.1 thread for details:




Please keep development discussions in this thread to help keep the forums clean.


I haven't had a chance to test this on a pc that wasn't running windows xp. If you encounter any problems running this software on earlier versions of windows, let me know.


To perform a complete uninstall of this program that will restore all the music to like it was before you installed this program, you must prep the program for uninstall by going to the settings menu and select "Prep Program for Uninstall".


After you have finish your adjustments, you can quickly and easily launch the demo by pressing "ctrl + L" or by going to the game menu and selecting "Launch Empire at War Demo".


Preview playback volume can be adjusted in the settings menu.

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If you encounter any issues let me know.


Due to the very limited development time I had to put into this program, some software bugs are bound to creep up. Also, I cannot predict what all of the various mods have done to your eaw demo installation. Basically, this program was developed only on a clean-install version of the EAW demo on a windows xp machine.


Some known issues/bugs:


Bug: A "cannot convert string to prompt" error occurs during the program configuration phase.


Cause: This usually means that your empire at war demo install directory, the empire at war demo\gamedata directory, the empire at war demo\gamedata\data directory, and/or the empire at war demo\gamedata\data\audio folder is\are read-only. If this has happened then you, the end user, or some other program or software has altered your empire at war demo's installation folders as the demo install program makes all of these directories have normal read-write permissions.


Remedy: Please remove any read-only tags from these directories by going to your demo's install folder (usually c:\program files\lucasarts\star wars empire at war demo) and right-click on the gamedata folder, select properties, clear the read-only checkbox on the bottom and click ok. When the "Confirm Attribute Chages" notice pops up, select "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files" and click ok. Restart the Soundtrack Editor program and try again. If you continue to have issues, consider uninstalling and re-installing your empire at war demo.



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I'm pretty sure not all of the songs listed in the demo actually will make an appearance until the full game. For instance, the credits song I'm sure will play at the end of a succeesful Rebel campaign(call it a feeling from the force), as it was the last song in one of the original movies. As for me being able to set my own music for the game, I get the point now :). That Battle of Heroes and Duel of the Fates song will certainly make an appearance on mine :).



I got a duel of the fates song,and i set it! I can email it 2 ya if ya want! :king1::ears1:



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That's good to hear. You should be warned that it will only work with some of the full version's music events. You will not be able to replace all of the music in the full game since I didn't have time to program all of the full version's music events into this version of the soundtrack editor.


I'm still waiting for my copy of the full version to come in. I can't believe that even though I pre-ordered it several weeks ago, it didn't ship untill the day after it was supoosed to. Oh well.

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Here is the XML MUSICEVENTS. Hope this helps.


<?xml version="1.0"?>




<MusicEvent Name="Main_Menu_Music_Event">









<MusicEvent Name="Test_Music_Event">










<!-- <MusicEvent Name="Cinematic_Empire_Intro_Music_Event">

<Files> CIN_ROTJ_Approaching_The_Death_Star.mp3 </Files>





</MusicEvent> -->



<MusicEvent Name="Cinematic_Empire_Intro_Music_Event_2">

<Files> Empire_Intro_3_Mix.mp3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Cinematic_Rebel_Intro_Music_Event_1">

<Files> REBEL_Intro_1_Mix.mp3 </Files>













<MusicEvent Name="Galactic_Map_Rebel_Music_Event">

<Files> AOTC_Ambush_On_Coruscant.mp3, ROTJ_Alliance_Assembly.mp3, ROTJ_Shuttle_Tydirium_Appraches_Endor.mp3, ANH_Tales_of_a_Jedi_Knight.mp3, ANH_Millenium_Falcon.mp3 </Files>




<Loop> Yes </Loop>



<MusicEvent Name="Galactic_Map_Empire_Music_Event">

<Files> ESB_The_Imperial_Probe.mp3, ROTJ_Approaching_The_Death_Star.mp3, ROTJ_Emperors_Throne_Room.mp3, ANH_Imperial_Attack_2.mp3, ANH_The_Tractor_Beam.mp3 </Files>




<Loop> Yes </Loop>







<MusicEvent Name="Galactic_Death_Star_Complete_Music_Event">

<Files> Complete_Death_Star.mp3 </Files>








<!-- Note: Combining Galactic_Battle_Pending_Music_Event and Tactical_Battle_Load_Screen_Music_Event into one event

since we want the galactic battle pending loop to smoothly transition and keep playing during the Battle Load

Dialog screen. Also the event needs to internally loop the first sample by MSS, due to the long data load that

occurs where the MusicEventManager is not sewrviced -->


<MusicEvent Name="Tactical_Battle_Loading_Loop_Event">

<Files> Battle_Pending_1.mp3 </Files>

<Volume_Percent> 55 </Volume_Percent>

<Fade_In_Seconds> 0.0 </Fade_In_Seconds>

<Fade_Out_Previous_Seconds> 2.0 </Fade_Out_Previous_Seconds>

<Loop> Yes </Loop>

<MSS_Internal_Loop> Yes </MSS_Internal_Loop> <!-- Required for long load where MSS handles the loop -->




<MusicEvent Name="Galactic_Battle_Pending_Music_Event">

<Files> Battle_Pending_1.mp3 </Files>








Note MSS_Internal_Loop required due to event manager not processing during long data loads


<MusicEvent Name="Tactical_Battle_Load_Screen_Music_Event">

<Files> Battle_Pending_1.mp3 </Files>











<MusicEvent Name="Structure_Cantina_Music_Event">

<Files>Cantina_1.MP3, Cantina_2.MP3</Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>




<MusicEvent Name="Structure_Hutt_Palace_Music_Event">

<Files>Hutt_Palace_Jedi_Rocks.MP3, Hutt_Palace_Lapti_Nek.MP3</Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>










<!-- ======================================= -->


<!-- ======================================= -->


<MusicEvent Name="Desert_Land_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> R_The_Dune_Sea_of_Tatooine.MP3, E_Attack_of_the_Sandpeople.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Ice_Land_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> R_The_Ice_Planet_Hoth.MP3, E_Wampas_Lair.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Swamp_Land_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Jar_Jar_Leads_Group.MP3, E_Binary_Sunset_Alternate.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Volcanic_Land_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Dianoga.MP3, E_The_Trash_Compactor.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Temperate_Land_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Forest_Ambush.MP3, E_Wookiee_Prisoner.MP3, R_Queen_Amidala_Warns_Federation.MP3, E_The_Droid_Invasion.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Urban_Land_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Anakin_and_Group_To_Coruscant.MP3, E_The_Senate.MP3 </Files>







<!-- ======================================= -->


<!-- ======================================= -->


<MusicEvent Name="Desert_Land_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Attack_of_the_Sandpeople.MP3, R_The_Dune_Sea_of_Tatooine.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Ice_Land_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Wampas_Lair.MP3, R_The_Ice_Planet_Hoth.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Swamp_Land_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Binary_Sunset_Alternate.MP3, R_Jar_Jar_Leads_Group.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Volcanic_Land_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> E_The_Trash_Compactor.MP3, R_Dianoga.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Temperate_Land_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Wookiee_Prisoner.MP3, R_Forest_Ambush.MP3, E_The_Droid_Invasion.MP3, R_Queen_Amidala_Warns_Federation.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Urban_Land_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> E_The_Senate.MP3, R_Anakin_and_Group_To_Coruscant.MP3 </Files>












<!-- ====================================== -->


<!-- ===================================== -->


<MusicEvent Name="Desert_Land_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Sail_Barge_Assault.MP3, E_Den_Of_The_Rancor.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Ice_Land_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> R_The_Battle_of_Hoth.MP3, E_The_Battle_of_Hoth_2.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Swamp_Land_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Anakin_Defeats_Sebulba.MP3, E_Battle_In_The_Swamps.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Volcanic_Land_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> R_Sail_Barge_Assault_Alternate.MP3, E_Volcanic_Assault.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Temperate_Land_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> R_The_Battle_Rages_On.MP3, E_The_Gungans_Retreat.MP3, R_Scout_Walker_Scramble_2.MP3, E_Scout_Walker_Scramble_1.MP3, E_Volcanic_Assault.MP3, E_Battle_In_The_Swamps.MP3</Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Urban_Land_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> R_The_Chase_Through_Coruscant_1.MP3, E_The_Chase_Through_Coruscant_2.MP3, Advance_on_the_City.MP3 </Files>







<!-- ======================================= -->


<!-- ======================================= -->


<MusicEvent Name="Desert_Land_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Den_Of_The_Rancor.MP3, R_Sail_Barge_Assault.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Ice_Land_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> E_The_Battle_of_Hoth_2.MP3, R_The_Battle_of_Hoth.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Swamp_Land_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Battle_In_The_Swamps.MP3, R_Anakin_Defeats_Sebulba.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Volcanic_Land_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> E_Volcanic_Assault.MP3, R_Sail_Barge_Assault_Alternate.MP3 </Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Temperate_Land_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> E_The_Gungans_Retreat.MP3, R_The_Battle_Rages_On.MP3, R_Scout_Walker_Scramble_2.MP3, E_Scout_Walker_Scramble_1.MP3, E_Volcanic_Assault.MP3, E_Battle_In_The_Swamps.MP3</Files>







<MusicEvent Name="Urban_Land_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> E_The_Chase_Through_Coruscant_2.MP3, R_The_Chase_Through_Coruscant_1.MP3, Advance_on_the_City.MP3</Files>












<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Rebel_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> Imperial_Attack_1.MP3, Beginning_The_Approach.MP3, Boarding_The_Federation_Battleship.MP3, Vaders_Presence.MP3, Death_Star_Stormtroopers.MP3, Empire_At_War.MP3</Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>




<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Empire_Ambient_Music_Event">

<Files> Imperial_Attack_1.MP3, Beginning_The_Approach.MP3, Boarding_The_Federation_Battleship.MP3, Vaders_Presence.MP3, Death_Star_Stormtroopers.MP3, Empire_At_War.MP3 </Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>








<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Rebel_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> Escape_From_Naboo.MP3, Fighting_The_Destroyer_Droids.MP3, Tie_Fighter_Attack.MP3, Imperial_Cruiser_Pursuit.MP3, The_Asteroid_Field.MP3, Space_Pursuit.MP3, Rebellion_Advantage.MP3, Attacking_the_Blockade.MP3 </Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>




<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Empire_Battle_Music_Event">

<Files> Escape_From_Naboo.MP3, Fighting_The_Destroyer_Droids.MP3, Tie_Fighter_Attack.MP3, Imperial_Cruiser_Pursuit.MP3, The_Asteroid_Field.MP3, Space_Pursuit.MP3, Rebellion_Advantage.MP3, Attacking_the_Blockade.MP3 </Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>







<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Rebel_Battle_Death_Star_Music_Event">

<Files>DS_The_Battle_of_Yavin.MP3, DS_Into_The_Trap.MP3</Files>




<Play_Sequentially> No </Play_Sequentially>




<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Empire_Battle_Death_Star_Music_Event">

<Files>DS_The_Battle_of_Yavin.MP3, DS_Into_The_Trap.MP3</Files>




<Play_Sequentialy> No </Play_Sequentialy>






<MusicEvent Name="Space_Map_Activate_Death_Star_Music_Event">





<Loop> No </Loop>







<MusicEvent Name="Rebel_Win_Tactical_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Rebel_Win_Strategic_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Rebel_Lose_Tactical_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Rebel_Lose_Strategic_Event">










<MusicEvent Name="Empire_Win_Tactical_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Empire_Win_Strategic_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Empire_Lose_Tactical_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Empire_Lose_Strategic_Event">








<MusicEvent Name="Game_Credits_Music_Event">

<Files>Credits_2a.MP3, Empire_At_War.MP3, Credits_Ep3.MP3 </Files>

<Volume_Percent> 100 </Volume_Percent>

<Fade_In_Seconds> 0.0 </Fade_In_Seconds>

<Fade_Out_Previous_Seconds> 0.0 </Fade_Out_Previous_Seconds>

<Loop> Yes </Loop>




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Is that the one for the full retail release? If so, that's a bit more than 26 songs. It'll probably take me a little while to add all the music to the program.


Unfortunately, I won't be able to test anything until my copy comes in. It's supposed to come in either tomorrow or Saturday. After that, I don't see any reason why It should take me more than 2 weeks to come out with version 2.0. *Knocks on wood*

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