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Last Name Change?

Great Scott!

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Hey, ever since the game has been revamped, I've been considering going back (I know most people say it's bad, but my friend said the new style would be to my liking. Also, please don't turn this into a "why you shouldn't go back" thread) to Star Wars GAlaxies, but my biggest concern isn't whether it's good, or if too many people are playing... it's actually whether I can change my last name or not. My character's been through a lot (or at least a lot for a level one character), and he has the BARC speeder and everything I got from The Total Experience, but I really want to change his last name. Is this possible? Thanks.


EDIT: Oh, forgot to ask, but my main concern about the character is the BARC speeder, so if I really can't change my last name, is there any chance I could somehow give it to my new character WITHOUT having to get someone else to hold on to it? My new character would have the same first name.

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outside of a very nice CSR your toon is stuck with that name.


you cant have the same account open on two sessions (but you can have two accounts open in thier own session) so you would need, if the other toon is not on another account, someone to hold that BARC and trade it to your other toon.


Im on ahazi so if youre on that one Id be glad to help out...if not, im sure you can find someone to help out that wont run off with it. without knowing your server I cant suggest anyone outright, but I do know some that can be trusted to help (if they have the space in there datapad).


a quick suggestion if it doesnt violate any rules here would be to open a new account on that ten day trail (if its still being offered). SWGCraft.com has people that can help get the two session thing set up. then, all you would need to do is open your main account with the toon with the barc...transfer it to the toon on the second account free trail...then head back to the selection screen and open up the toon you want it transfered to..then "trade" it between the second toon adn the free trail toon using Alt/Tab.


remember, items like the barc are limited to one toon for the lifetime of the account...meaning ... you cant cross trade to another server with it.

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