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Can't find HK Vocabualtor [may contain spoilers]


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I can't seem to find the HK Vocabualtor for HK-47. I've been either buying or receiving parts that I already have for him, but no luck with the vocabualtor. I've passed Peragus, Telos, Nar Shaddaa, Korriban, Dxun (except for the weapons cache quest), and half-way done with Onderon (haven't returned for the 2nd time yet). Right now I'm on Dantooine, hoping that I will find the final piece before I head back to Onderon. HK-47 is one of my favorite characters, and it's frusterating that I can't use him, even though I'm already so far into the game.


If anyone can tell me where to find a HK vocabualtor, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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