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Nute Gunray

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Guest Rogue 9

Yugoslavia was turned into a puppet country by the soviet union, it has since revolted and won its freedom, then it fragmented.


the Russians won't screw with us in defense of a country that revolted from there rule.

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There's three nationalities Russians hate: Germans, Chinese, and Serbs.

They would never willing side with ANY of these nations. The chances of a Sino-Russian alliance, frequently referred to as "The Unholy Alliance" in texts I've read, is much more likely than a Russo-Serbian alliance.

Tito kept the Russians from twisting Yugoslavia into a full-blown Soviet satellite. While the Russians had power, they didn't have COMPLETE control like in Poland or East Germany. This helped fuel the Anti-Russian thoughts in Yugoslavia.

Russia IS entering into an uneasy alliance with China. China has money and wants weapons. Russian has weapons and wants money. 'Nuff said. Russia hasn't willingly entered into this alliance and does so just to have some cash to keep their people from all starving to death.

If China ever got distracted fighting over Taiwan, Russia would get whatever they could get and pounce on Manchuria. International politics make no sense. biggrin.gif

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US polotics sucks, yes, but international polotics are neato.



Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


Once again, evil is defeated through the use of decorative agricultural technology!


Official forum Psychic

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Whoa, man, he's right! eek.gif


Politics: From the Greek poly meaning many, and tics, meaning small, bloodsucking parasites.





"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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