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Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ummm no one realy visits the ediditing forum but i put it in there anyway im trying to design a level for freespace 2 and need some help anyone with any experience please could you go there and help me out thanx



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest garyah99

Ummmm....not to sound like a smart alek or anything, but maybe you could try posting this question in a Freespace forum??

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

the most active freespace boards i could find had fewer than 100 posts on and had been going for about 2 years



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Another FS2 modder! A truly endangered species. I've been playing around with the game since I bought it around a year and a half ago. I also mod table files and the occaisional minor change to the beam effects. I've been trying to get into model creation, but that seems to be a highly secretive realm whose secrets Bobbaou and Max will take to their graves. smile.gif


Anyway, the one thing I would recommend before launching into FRED is to swot up on your logical programming. Those sEXPs can be one heck of a headache sometimes. And, as Zylonbane shall forever say: Do the Walkthrough. Other than that, launch straight in and take up those last few megabytes of HD space with 150+ test missions. FS2 is easily the most simple game to MOD I have ever come across, and certainly far more so than XWA. However, be prepared for sleepless nights, endless frustration and chronic hair loss.



And what of the Director's Lenses?


The logs show they fled the scene in a shuttle. That is all the information we have sir, there is a high probability that the shuttle was destroyed in the battle.


A shame.....but we'll buy George Lucas another pair of glasses.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

im only 15 ive dont some very limited if in programing but thats about it - anyway ive got i working mainly because its all just drop down lists and it just takes me a while and a lot of guessing to get the combination right - yeah it is probably the easiest game ive come across i think ive got a basic understanding of how everything works now - ive still got to get some of the bugs worked out, there is one final problem i have i cant move about the camera without if moving the capital ships - any help on this would be great - anyone that wants the level after ive completed it just leave email me and ill reply with the attachment as soon as possible - me, milkshake, bean and my dad will all be playing parts in it so it should be quite good! smile.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ummmmmm i remember installing it so i think so yes



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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