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ok i have experence in editing hex (sorta) i have an i dea of what i am doing im not compleatly stupid or new to this.....so i was wondaring about a few things.....how do i go about swaping weapons on diferent characters....and how do i play as an ewok?!!!


some help would be nice ...plz

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who care if i "tripple posted" i forgot to add some stuff so i went back and added it.....its not like its killing you cause there are 3 post and i have seen worse thread name....and i called it help cause i needed help......i mean u dont have to read it its your chooise so dont click on it if you dont like it...its pretty bad you have nothing else to do but get on a form and flame ppl about there post and try to start somthing...if you want to coplain about somthing go complain to the site admin or a moderator

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1. most here care about wheather we scroll through a page to figure out what someone wants to ask and it's easier to edit a post then to post again anyway

2.it's easier to read a topic title and think *oh he wants to know how to put jedi padawans on kashyyk* instead of *well this guy wants help with something to do with moding but i wonder what he wants to know*

3.he's not flaming he's stating the rules of the board which will be enforced by a mod or something if they aren't followed, also you'e closer to flaming then he is but i'm getting dangerously close as well so i really should go toodle oo!

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