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I feel bad

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Guest SadShadow

sigh.. i know about those matters..



"if you really love someone... then let her be free... if she comes back then she is yours... if she never returns... never was yours..."





The shadows become the reapers... we are becoming less humans...

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Sorry can't help you there, I don't believe in love, I believe in the biology of it all and find the terms "sentiments, feelings..." to be ridiculous.

It's all biology, "things" that happen in your body that will try to assure that the humain being will reproduce so it will not be extinct. It's hard to explain but it's kinda like "love" is just an acquired reflex.


Anyways humans are nothing.



Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited April 27, 2001).]

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Guest Thrawn

It's hard to let someone go when you really love them. You want them to be happy, but you want them to be with you. It's an impossible way to feel, and it tears you up from the inside. My best advice is to just let it play out.



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest SadShadow

Originally posted by Thrawn:

It's hard to let someone go when you really love them. You want them to be happy, but you want them to be with you. It's an impossible way to feel, and it tears you up from the inside. My best advice is to just let it play out.




Agree... the best way to make happy a true love... its to let her to be her way, the best way to show the love, its that, let her free... if the time says maybe you can cross ways again...







The shadows become the reapers... we are becoming less humans...

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

umm i havnt got loads of experience either (2 girlfriends and one of them was for 2 days at the age of 12 so doesnt really count) anyway one piece of advise i would give is that whatever you decided learn from it - if you feel it was the correct descision to make then if you are ever in that position again you know how to respond - if it was wrong then you try something else



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Zoom Rabbit

How do you make love stay?


*Sigh* This is a question that has troubled thinkers for all time, and confounded most of us at least once in our lives. Obviously, there is no sure answer...but I have taken the liberty of assembling a few suggestions on how to make love stay. wink.gif


1: Ask love what the color of passion is. Decorate the house in that color, and love will want to be there.


2: Get love a bottle of brandy and get it drunk. Unable to drive home, love will stay.


3: Come home in disguise some day and tell love that you are a visiting gypsy fortune teller. When you tell love its fortune, be sure that you are a part of its foundation in life. Love will then want you around.


4: Burn a candle in the east window on sunday evening. When love asks why you are doing so, say that you are signalling for a white dove, and ask love to help you wait for it. Love will be there monday morning.


5: Dance to imaginary music. When love asks you what you are listening to, say that love is the tune. Love will be confused, and stay.


biggrin.gif Just a few ideas. Not that piteously single me knows anything about it...

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This happen:

Four years ago I know a very friendly girl that start talking to me, a self-enclosed guy who rarelly fell anything to others. This action was a direct shot on my heart or, better, on my soul. She was interested in me, and I fell affection and later love to her for that.

Then a friendship start with her, the first time that I had a woman as a friend. I pay attention to her, she make me smile.

But, I fall in love for her. I talk with other friends who said "If you fall in love for a friend this relation will dead, you will depend for a yes or no, and if the response if no, you never will talk with her again".

I fell fear for this so I close my heart.

Two years happened, and then I don´t see she again.

Two years later (now), I fell alone and unhappy because I never express my love to her.

After lot of fear I take the telephone and I call her. What I found?, a person who understand me and congratulate me for say that and not maintain in secret. She has a boyfriend now and I respect that relation.

I thougth then that I can hurt her with my love.

But I had to leave now, now I´m an adult and I have a lot of thing to learn of the life in the future, I have to keep my love very deep in my soul and then live happy, because I learn how to express my feelings, and in the future I will not repeat the same error.



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility


[This message has been edited by Air Juggernaut (edited April 28, 2001).]

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Heres a personal example:


I had this computer that I loved. But I was offered a new computer that was faster.The one I had was an old 122 mgz and this one(this took place 2 years ago) is a 450mgz. But once I got the new one and I threw out the old one. I obviously liked the new one because I get to play all the new games on it.I like the new one so much, I didnt care much about the old one.


So once you found the 'right' girl that you were ment to be with, you will be happer with her then the old one(I think,I hope.)

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Guest SadShadow

the only think that i can tell you is...

Let her go... and search you for another ways






The shadows become the reapers... we are becoming less humans...

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JR, that is the single weirdest example I've ever heard.


AJ, I wish I could help, but I really have no expertise. The advise you've already been given is as good as you'll get. It may take a while, but let her go and you'll be happier for it.


I'm the last person to get advice from; I'm 21 and I've never even had one gf. I HATE this North American taboo against starting a relationship with someone who's already a friend, but that seems to be the only sort of woman that I can be attracted to.


I'm a nice guy; a much better best friend than boyfriend. At this point, I have seven close friends (IRL, not counting you guys/girls/AIs), six of which are girls. I'm the "safe" guy that all the girls will hang out with. Unfortunately, this means I can't actually get a date because none of them "thinks of me that way." frown.gif


All I can say is you're certainly not alone (please don't get Nute started wink.gif ).


It's a Universal law. Nice guys never get the girl. What we get is complained to, by girls, about the jerks they're sleeping with. mad.gif


Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

girls bad



*sad smile*

Once again, isn't that why we love 'em?



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

It's so wrong.


I hereby declare all women with jerks to be forfeit, surrendable immediately to the first rabbit that comes by!



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Guest SadShadow

hum... all of us are evil...




Never ask for an inmortal kiss... i dont want to give you a life like mine...

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