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Turning off Fog of War


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Anyone, please?


Open up GameConstants.xml and find this section:










Ok, Now change it to look like this:










That will completely remove the fog of war for LAND battles. For some reason adjusting FOWCellSize for SpaceFOW doesn't work :/

However see the <SpaceFOWRegrowTime> I adjusted so the fog of war will at least stay gone in Space battles once you move over an area. I have add this to my SIMPLE cheat mod. You can get the simple cheat mod here:



And just use the GameConstants.xml file from it if you want. Also in the Gameconstants.xml I made it to where you can have unlimited reinforcements for ground battles.

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Just tried modding the fog of war, doesn't really remove it so much as make units visible through it, so in effect everything is really dark. There has to be a way to just remove the fog of war, turn it off, not just modify the pixel size and regrowth rate...


Yea, there doesn't seem to be any setting in the xml config files for the fog of war other than per unit settings and that doesn't quite work right either :/ Its either hard coded or its in another meg file. Shaders.meg or maps.meg maybe?

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