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Rebel Artillery Unit.

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The AI really goes insane with this unit. I switched over from Easy to Medium on Galactic Conquest finding easy far to easy considering the AI almost never attacks ever. So on Medium the computer will Garrison a world with several of these. Now thats great and all but they flood your landing area before you can move your forces and wipe everything you have out in a matter of seconds. Even AT-ATs die quite fast when they are being nailed by 6-8 of these Artillery Units. I can deal with the enemy when its just Garrison comming out of their heavy factory by keeping my forces light, but is there any way to counter these Artillery Units with out losing insane ammounts of units? (When they are rushing the landing zone with 8 of them that is)

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Spam AT-ST's they are cheap at around 180, you can get 5 squads for the price of 1 at-at that will clear the area then bring down an at-at.


I have started just using at-st then 1 squad of troops, my landing fleet usually has around 12 squads of them to overwhelm the rebs.

+ make sure you destroy the bloody barracks as the plex soldiers do some hell damage.

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