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Good N64 FPS??

Darth Sceltor

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

dont listen to these people Perfect Dark is the best N64 game out if you dont get it you will regret it with over 40 guns and a enough areas to play in to keep an expert happy my and milky have had a to team up to complete the single player mode doing levels that we are good at - multiplayer im ranked - 7 - Killer (you start at 21) there is a shooting range which gets you the classic guns and you can walk around the carrington insitute which really hasnt been done before in many games ok you may be able to walk around in some but having 2 rooms in 3 rooms in the building which contain training bits is great almost every thing except for the holo deck and device training gets you something for completing it (cheats guns etc) oh and you can only use guns in multiplayer that you have used somewhere in the game



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Rogue 9

Perfect Dark is Golden eye with a new skin, and my favorite gun is the Laptop gun. biggrin.gif, with it my treachery is that much more effective

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Just started playing that again got a bit repetative after 7 months solid playing and with a 1Ghz machine sitting in your bed room i couldnt not play on my PC but now i am back to normal and playing it again how about everyone posts good set ups for multiplayer games - milky you post you N-Bomb one


Capture the Hill - 2 mins

no kill limit

no time limit

no team kill limit

8 easy sims

1 player at 1000% handicap (2 at 500 etc)(could be modified depending on skill level)

Level - Grid

Weapons - K7, AR34, RCP120, CMP, Cyclone, Calisto




iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

dont listen to these people Perfect Dark is the best N64 game out if you dont get it you will regret it with over 40 guns and a enough areas to play in to keep an expert happy my and milky have had a to team up to complete the single player mode doing levels that we are good at - multiplayer im ranked - 7 - Killer (you start at 21) there is a shooting range which gets you the classic guns and you can walk around the carrington insitute which really hasnt been done before in many games ok you may be able to walk around in some but having 2 rooms in 3 rooms in the building which contain training bits is great almost every thing except for the holo deck and device training gets you something for completing it (cheats guns etc) oh and you can only use guns in multiplayer that you have used somewhere in the game


HOLY MOTHER OF ****! Longest sentence ever.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

hey read my sig!!!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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They dont make much 1st person shooters for N64 anymore.Goldeneye and PD are problably the best ones you will see for N64 and thats it.


If yer a PD fan, I heard theres going to be a PD2 for Nitindo's Dolphin or whatever.


I hate to say it eventhough I am a valid PC gamer, but I may end up buying PS2 just for the Final Fantasy series and for any new good SW games.

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Consoles suck



I recommend getting a sack of army men for $3. Get TWO, one in green and one in whatever enemy color is available (I like dark gray. works better as Nazi troopers). It's a multiplayer, third person shooter, strategy, roleplaying, tactical simulation. THEY CAN'T MAKE A BETTER GAME.

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I owned an N64 for many years, so have good knowledge.

You already know Goldeneye. Perfect Dark is okay,but it is the multiplayer mode that makes it, although slow down can occur even with the expansion pack.

I know you asked for FIRST person, but I do suggest you try Operation Winback. It mixes stealth with action. The multiplayer requires some getting used to, but is worth it.

Try Turok 2 rather than 1, but you will get bored with it. Rage Wars is only good if you are always playing multiplayer, but I would rather use Goldeneye in such situations.

Lastly - DO NOT EVER BUY SOUTH PARK !!!! IT IS ****E !!!! I cannot stress this enough - avoid like the Krytos Virus !



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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