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Pirate Mod


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~PIRATES Versus Empire~

DOWNLOAD Version alpha 2.0 of Pirates At War:


DOWNLOAD Balance Patch For alpha 2.0:


New patch for download: http://rapidshare.de/files/14475881/Pirates_At_War_2.0_second_patch.rar.html

Another patch for hardpoints making spacebattles tough!

Download Here:


My music addon(300+ mbs):

Package 1: http://rapidshare.de/files/14241023/Pirates_At_War_Music_Addon1.rar.html

Package 2: http://rapidshare.de/files/14241228/Pirates_At_War_Music_Addon2.rar.html

Package 3: http://rapidshare.de/files/14241285/Pirates_At_War_Music_Addon3.rar.html

Package 4: http://rapidshare.de/files/14240311/Pirates_At_War_Music_Addon4.rar.html

Please extract the files from all four and put them in your data folder located in your gamedata. Enjoy!


Launcher update for my mod Pirates At War: http://rapidshare.de/files/14402130/Pirates_At_War_Launcher.rar.html

Hello, and welcome to Pirates At War mod!


Play as pirates with a diverse ground units to exciting Captials fights.

Rancor has been added to ground forces of pirates.

Watch as your corvettes, frigates and captials move like fighters.

Finally, see why pirates are well known? :p (excessive use with concussion missiles beware) Enjoy!




Information:For fighters I gave it all the same pirate fighter model with different variations.

For corvettes I mixed it with patrol corvette with the pirate fighter model with different variations.

For frigates I gave the pirate interceptor model with different variations.

For captials I gave pirate fighter and Merchant friegther models with different variations.


What I need help in:Making more ships not just replacing them.

Ideas, I could use them ;P

Pretty much anything else you can throw at me since im very new at XML, but I hope I can make something great when i'm finished.



If anyone wants to help me, I sure can use it.




Update 5#: Final Game menus!


Game Menu 6 Button:




Game Menu 4 Button:




update 6#: NEW GUI! :)


Update # 6: New GUI for Dashboard enjoy!




Update #6 b: New GUI for Galatic Dashboard enjoy!



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A pirate mod is a great idea. I was playing around with a mod where pirate victory conditions where very different from the Rebs and Imp. For instance, the conditions would be (1) pirate homeworld must survive, and (2) pirate faction must infiltrate each planet with a smuggler/pirate unit or pirate base. Pirates would start out with one homeworld, and would steal research like the Rebs, and their income would come from establishing pirate bases/infiltrating other worlds. I could not get this to work, however.

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I dont have aim so ill just put it here. I don't know how to add pirates to skirmish, only galactic conquest.


1)Go into CAMPAIGNS_SINGLEPLAYER.xml then choose a campaign you want to mod.


2)Hightlight/copy then paste the faction below the one u just copied.


3)Next you need to change certain names from Empire to Pirates like this.


<Campaign Name="Sandbox_Galactic_Conflict_Pirates">


<Campaign_Set> Sandbox_Galactic_Conflict </Campaign_Set>



<Description_Text> TEXT_CAMPAIGN_SINGLE_DESCRIPTION_44 </Description_Text>


<Camera_Shift_X> 40.0 </Camera_Shift_X>

<Camera_Shift_Y> 0.0 </Camera_Shift_Y>

<Camera_Distance> 1200.0 </Camera_Distance>


<Locations> Galaxy_Core_Art_Model, Abregado_Rae, AetenII, Alderaan, AlzocIII, Anaxes, Atzerri, Bespin, Bestine, Bonadan, Bothawui, Byss, Carida, Corellia, Corulag, Coruscant, Dagobah, Dantooine, Endor, Eriadu, Fondor, Fresia, Geonosis, Hoth, Ilum, Jabiim, Kashyyyk, Kessel, Korriban, Kuat, Manaan, MonCalimari, Naboo, NalHutta, Polus, Ryloth, Shola, Sullust, Taris, Tatooine, Thyferra, VergessoAsteroids, Wayland, Yavin </Locations>


<Trade_Routes> Abregado_Rae_Fondor, Abregado_Rae_Sullust, Anaxes_Coruscant, Bespin_Hoth, Corellia_Coruscant, Corellia_Kessel, Corellia_Ryloth, Corulag_Coruscant, Dagobah_Eriadu, Eriadu_Sullust, Fondor_Thyferra </Trade_Routes>


<Home_Location> Rebel, Hoth </Home_Location>

<Home_Location> Empire, Corellia </Home_Location>

<Home_Location> Pirates, Ryloth </Home_Location>


<Starting_Active_Player> Pirates </Starting_Active_Player>






<AI_Player_Control> Rebel, BasicRebel </AI_Player_Control>

<AI_Player_Control> Pirates, SandboxHuman </AI_Player_Control>

<AI_Player_Control> Empire, BasicEmpire </AI_Player_Control>


<Markup_Filename>Rebel, DefaultGalacticHints </Markup_Filename>

<Markup_Filename>Pirates, DefaultGalacticHints </Markup_Filename>





<!-- Win Conditions -->















<!-- Special Case Planets for Cantinas and Hutt Palaces -->


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Abregado_Rae, Ground_Cantina_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Abregado_Rae, Ground_Cantina_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Atzerri, Ground_Cantina_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Atzerri, Ground_Cantina_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Atzerri, Ground_Hutt_Palace_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Atzerri, Ground_Hutt_Palace_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Corellia, Ground_Cantina_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Corellia, Ground_Cantina_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, NalHutta, Ground_Cantina_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, NalHutta, Ground_Cantina_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, NalHutta, Ground_Hutt_Palace_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, NalHutta, Ground_Hutt_Palace_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Ryloth, Ground_Cantina_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Ryloth, Ground_Cantina_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Ryloth, Ground_Hutt_Palace_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Ryloth, Ground_Hutt_Palace_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Tatooine, Ground_Cantina_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Tatooine, Ground_Cantina_R</Special_Case_Production>


<Special_Case_Production> Empire, Tatooine, Ground_Hutt_Palace_E</Special_Case_Production>

<Special_Case_Production> Rebel, Tatooine, Ground_Hutt_Palace_R</Special_Case_Production>



<!-- Rebel Starting Forces -->


<Starting_Credits> Rebel, 10000 </Starting_Credits>

<Starting_Tech_Level> Rebel, 2 </Starting_Tech_Level>

<Max_Tech_Level> Rebel, 4 </Max_Tech_Level>



<!-- Rebel Space Forces -->

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Rebel_X-Wing_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Rebel_X-Wing_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Y-Wing_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Corellian_Corvette </Starting_Forces>

<!-- Rebel Land Forces -->

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, R_Ground_Barracks </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Rebel_Ground_Mining_Facility </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Rebel_Ground_Mining_Facility </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Rebel_Infantry_Squad </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Rebel, MonCalimari, Rebel_Light_Tank_Brigade </Starting_Forces>




<!-- Empire Starting Forces -->


<Starting_Credits> Empire, 10000 </Starting_Credits>

<Starting_Tech_Level> Empire, 3 </Starting_Tech_Level>

<Max_Tech_Level> Empire, 5 </Max_Tech_Level>



<!-- Empire Space Forces -->

<Starting_Forces> Empire, Thyferra, Tartan_Patrol_Cruiser </Starting_Forces>

<!-- Empire Land Forces -->

<Starting_Forces> Empire, Thyferra, E_Ground_Barracks </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Empire, Thyferra, Imperial_Stormtrooper_Squad </Starting_Forces>


<!-- Pirates Starting Forces -->

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Fighter_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Fighter_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Frigate </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Frigate </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Fighter_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Fighter_Squadron </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Frigate </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Frigate </Starting_Forces>


<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Command_Center </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Soldier_Squad </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Soldier_Squad </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_PLEX_Squad </Starting_Forces>

<Starting_Forces> Pirates, Ryloth, Pirate_Swamp_Speeder_Team </Starting_Forces>




4)Once that is done go into Factions.xml. Scroll down to Pirates and make it playable.


Have you found out how to make the Virago buildable (for any faction)?

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Nice work. Have you figured out how the Reb "raid" function works? it seems to me, that this would be a great ability to add to a potential pirate faction. Particularly if it could be coupled with generating income somehow. It would be cool to create a pirate faction with very different goals than the other factions. It would not be so much about galactic domination, as about creating a cartel, and a presence on all planets (i.e. profit). I know that pirate bases are already present on certain worlds, but I am not sure how this can be used.

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Hey do you know the merchant station that you can buy pirate ships? What is the model name, cause i cant find it anywhere? :/


Not sure, but I believe those traders can be a imcome for pirates with black markets and stuff and better the traders more the imcome.

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