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Changing Death Star


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The values are in SPACEUNITSSUPERS.XML. Looks like you can change the Max_speed to change how fast the Death Star moves. You can also change how fast the deathstar moves on the large galaxy map by editing <Hyperspace_Speed>. You can also edit build time <Build_Time_Seconds>, build cost Build_Cost_Credits. And if you want to edit how long it takes to get the components open up TECHBUILDING.XML and you can change build speed/cost there for the Death Star parts as well.

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Is he refering to the Count Down Timer (which is 77 + seconds?) which is the time it takes for the Death Star to 'move' into firing position.


He wants a longer battle time in order to destroy the Imperial fleet so they can launch Red 5 to destroy the Death Star. The DS can destroy the planet once about 77 seconds is up if you have not defeated the Imperial fleet that came along with it.


The Death Star does not really move on the tactical space map...it simpely is in the background art work then fires the Superlaser destroying the planet after 77 seconds or so.




See this thread on the "Death Star Battle" problem. Then it would make more sense.


EDIT: I guess change Max Speed to a lower number 0.75 to smaller would make the Count Down Timer take longer? Would need to be tested.

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