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Cheat mods - Domination mods for empire and Rebel for 1.02


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Domination Cheat mod for Empire and Rebel. For version 1.02. If you use this mod you will DOMINATE. Its a hard core cheat mod so its useful just for short term fun. Units have been edited for each respective side to over power the enemy.



Go to the main SW:EAW folder and place the unzipped XML folder in your GameData\Data\ folder. In other words all of these files will reside in GameData\Data\XML\



Space battle Size changed to 100 (or 50 if you get the other file), Land Battle units increased

Following Planets Modded that add tons of money, added population caps, and have 8 build spaces, level 5 bases:


For empire cheat:




Abregada Rae



For Rebel Cheat:




Mon Calamari



Instant Build: All Space and ground unit build times sped up, all build times for structures sped up.

Many units health/shieilds/weapon accuracy/movement speed boosted/increased.

Unique units (Bobba Fet, Han Solo, etc.)and abilities beefed up- abilites recharge much faster.

Hero units (Darth Vader, etc.)beefed up with better health, increased movement speed, fast ability recharge times.

Bombing runs on planets recharge rate sped up. R2D2/C3PO tech steal is FAST.


Many of this stuff also works in skirmish.


For cheats with the Empire (either space battle cap 50 or 100):


http://colessite.com/Empire Cheats Cap 50.zip

http://colessite.com/Empire Cheats Cap 100.zip

For cheats with Rebel (either space battle cap 50 or 100):


http://colessite.com/Rebel Faction Cheats-50 Space Cap.zip

http://colessite.com/Rebel Faction Cheats-100 Space Cap.zip



For a cheat mod that only mods money, build speed, space battle cap and population caps and doesn't touch unit speed/strength/accuracy get the *Simple* cheat mod in the other thread I will post.

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Isnt this the exact same as the other thread?


No in this mod the UNITS and hero units have been edited as well to overpower and dominate the other factions units. With this one I have changed Unit movement speed/attack power/shield and health points/rate of fire/accuracy. For instance the tanks now DECIMATE infantry with this mod and and an AT-AT (those giant 4 legged walker things) can run/move faster than a hoverbike, hehe. Its FREAKY looking seeing those things RUN RUN across the battlefield. Also the hero unit power recharge times are practically instant and heros are almost indestructible. Hell more than a few units are almost indestructible. This one was for fun only as the invincible units truly make the game far too easy. Its just for fun to see some of the things I could edit. Get the other mod for a more *Trainer* style cheat. Get this one to decimate the enemy when heavily outnumbered.


The OTHER mod ONLY gives you money,more population, and insant build.

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