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Adding Indigenous or Pirate Units....


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I changed the starting units in conquest to add the imperial guard, bothan,sullustans, mon cal, geonosians, gungans etc.


The file you want is groundcompaniesinigenous.xml


Things like Imperial_Elite_Company should be the unit names.


then just put them under starting units in conquest in the campaignsingleplayer.xml file

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First take open up groundcompaniesempire, groundcompaniesindigenous and specialstructures.


This is a basic rebel unit (edited to mon cal):


<GroundCompany Name="Mon_Calamari_Civ_Company">
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Stormtrooper </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> TIE_Crawler Scout_Trooper UC_Empire_Buildable_Anti_Infantry_Turret </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
	<GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>
	<Autoresolve_Health>100</Autoresolve_Health> <!-- changed to reflect unit health w/ size-->
	<Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories> Yes </Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories>
	<Required_Planets />
	<Create_Team_Type> MonCal_Team</Create_Team_Type>
       <!-- AI  Changed to 15 soldiers with 5 per troop -->
	<Company_Units>Mon_Calamari_Civilian, Mon_Calamari_Civilian, Mon_Calamari_Civilian, Mon_Calamari_Civilian, Mon_Calamari_Civilian</Company_Units>
	<Max_Squad_Size> 5 </Max_Squad_Size>
	<GUI_Offset>0 0 5</GUI_Offset>


	<Tactical_Build_Prerequisites />

	<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
		<!-- Primary ability -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER,	 0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>TAKE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER, 0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>



find Imperial_Guard_Company in the indigenous file. Look at all the areas I named moncal. Find those for the guard and imput them over mon cal.


Then copy that whole thing, and paste in the empire ground file. Then go to special structures, find the e_ground_barracks (something like that not exact)

and where you see the buildable units add in imperial_guard_company


I'll actually be making the mod tomorrow so if you want to wait and download, do that if the explanation sounded confusing.

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