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Tina wins!


I wanted Mike to win, but after he burned his hands, Colby was my fave...



The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day...


10 times a day, at LEAST...


They sent him to the Navy head shrinkers and the crazy bastard starts jerking off in the waiting room...


-Full Metal Jacket

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so far i have held true to form and only watched the very end of the last episode of all survivors tongue.gif


i thought it was too cute how excited Colby was for Tina...but was a lil weirded out by how many times he kissed her eek.gifbiggrin.gif



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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Guest Rogue 9

Colby gave it up on purpose, he knew if he got rid of keith that Tina would win. He got a New car and $100,000 dollars anyway that seems like a good deal to me.

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Guest Hans The Great

I work with this guy at work who talks about that stupid boring show all day long, it makes me want to strangle him...

I think the contestants should be forced to eat the losers instead of just throwing them off the show. Now that would be entertaining!

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