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LEC!, Totally Games!

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Guest CorellianTiger

well, i really not seting my hopes very high on LEC for an expansion that was 2yrs past due already... they only re-released the game in a 3pack with XVT and XvsT ...


though the guys over at X-Wing Alliance Upgrade @ http://www.xwaupgrade.com/


them guys are trying to carry-on where LEC left off, and in the download files section, they have a short box where you can sign a small petition like thing ... it's all explained in there...


the petition is derected at LEC, in which to either make an expansion pack for XWA, or release the game's source code for the people to make for XWA like "id software" did with doom & doom2 ...



So I'll say it again: that's it. It looks like the end of Corellian Bloodstripes forever, but who knows; perhaps "Wedge will come again in glory to smite the wicked from the cockpit of his rustic and unscathed X-Wing" (Pilots 14: 25).

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Thats a stupid idea.


They really expect that they just give the freakin rights to the general public? LucasArts may be famous but not supid. There not just going give thousands of dollars of progams just for us to make an 'ideal' storyline.

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Guest CorellianTiger

word "stupid" was just a bit rude...


well, speaking from the past, it's not a stupid idea... it's an awesome one!


it's a "dated" engine that they nolonger use, and they've moved beyong XWA for games and won't be returning to that game engine should they ever ever go back to the classic starwars (before prequals) since the prequals are their current cash cow until episode 3 is done & over with...


so why not make the game engine sourcecode availble to those who want to make something out of it and continue the xwa legacy?


it may not make LEC any money, but it'd gain them appreciation from everyone who's making addon's for xwa ...


look at everything cool that came from releasing the doom 1&2 + wolfenstien source codes.... TC's and everything else.. look at Quake 1&2, all the mods, TC's, and addons for them... yet not hurting licensing sales on the Q3 engine that's still popular... and Q3 has been hot off the charts to this very day and addons & customizable user made tc's to this very day only making q3 equaly popular... same thing for Unreal Tournament (which is just a re-vamped & very closed off Unreal1 engine which gotten "opened" by Epic for easy to modify by gamers)


LEC is far from bright and have made stupid mistakes ...


yes, they make games that are usually solid enough that don't need much patching, but those that do, often people are s.o.l. until LEC does something about it...


also, talk about game custimizability... look at Midtown madness 1&2, quake engine 1&2&3 based games, Halflife.... they're designed fairly open and uaser friendly to make addons for ... that sort of "open-ness" actually made the games ultra-popular to play online ... there's always something new to add to it, and always easy to install!


LEC constantly shoots themselves in the foot for making their games soooooo closed to customizing... ok, there's models people have made & modified for XvT+bop and XWA, but it's a pain to add them! with limited slots to boot...


(OK- the one & only exeption is Jedi Knight +mots, which skins & map levels are easier to add...)


LEC is getting hot in the pants and madly holding onto the XWA code, while not doing anything productive with it... whilst people would luv an expansion serries for it and the Xwing Upgrade group wants to Update the aged game to today's standards while improving it too...


LEC not listining to the public's requests is the STUPID thing to do in my opinion.


i hope i made my point crystal clear.



So I'll say it again: that's it. It looks like the end of Corellian Bloodstripes forever, but who knows; perhaps "Wedge will come again in glory to smite the wicked from the cockpit of his rustic and unscathed X-Wing" (Pilots 14: 25).

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JR2000Z, LEC will not loss thousands of dolars if they give us the source code, they already sell a lot with that, and just we see in the last game, that source code get old. Has a lot of bugs, and a new one should to be created.

Is ot stupid do that, if you make support for your fans, you keep them with you, but if you forget them and put them away without give to they any importance or give to they very boring games like Force Commander, your fans will hate you or will have a bad image of you.




"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility

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Originally posted by JR2000Z:

LucasArts may be famous but not supid.


Core-T's right; they're both.




Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, which I've completed and now sits on a shelf gathering dust because It has no replayability, multi-player, or editability. TPM which I was never able to finish because of the crappy user interface, and which also lacks editability and MP.


Super Bombad Racing. Gungan Frontier. Star Wars Demolition.


Need I continue?


LEC has latched on to the fact that they can release sh*t in a box, with the Star Wars logo on it, and make millions.


They persist in approaching computer gaming with a console-gaming mentality, insisting that end-users drop more money for minimal product, rather than actually put in effort to make something that the fans will actually enjoy.


The only hope for XWA is that it was produced by Totally Games, who might be convinced to take some pride in their product.




"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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But still, if LEC was to make a addon pack, they would have made one already.(problably at a cheaper price.)


And its not as fun playing missions that someone just made up then the missions made by the company itself.

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Guest Fondas

I'm sorry to be the one who brings the bad news, but I thought you had heard...


The developer team behing the whole XW/TF titles was Totally Games. I think it's almost a year when Lawrence Holland, the head of TG, announced that they no longer work for , or in conjunction with LA.


So if LA would like to make an add on or something, they don't have the right staff (i.e. TG) to do it.


On the other hand , former TG, cannot work on any of the SW material, since LA holds the exclusive rights.



IT's a lose-lose situation...



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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no company in their right mind would release a game that uses XWA's graffic's engine. I personally think Valve is retarded for releasing 'Blue Shift', the half life engine looks terrible when compared to the newer ones (Q3 and UT).....plus I am NOT a big HL fan.......They, just as LA did, realized that if they put Half-Life on it a bunch of stupid computer fried zombies will buy it

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I´m a great fans of Star Wars, I want the best for it, I want great people working on that: I want creative people working for it, I want people who think in the fans first than the money. Unfurtunatly LEC is fully loaded with people that isn´t creative, examples?:

Rogue Squadron: I want suggestions about what to do with it right now.

Force Commander: Boring is a great word for a game like this, I bought a box.

XWA: A game unsuported and forgeted by the creators right now.

Star Wars Demolition: ZZZzzzz

Jedi Power Battles: Is fun but once you finish it with one character, play with the others one is boring, and difficult because many of them sucks.

Battle of Naboo: I don´t have a N64, but for the images is a Rogue Squadron with steroids.

But not of the LEC work is bad good examples are: Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, Mysteries of Sith, Tie Fighter and the expansions, Rebellion, X-Wing Alliance.

A good game need more than a good programing, need creativity and inspiration. The last games that I put above need to be a base where start making games, they had everything that a Star Wars fan will enjoy when playing it.

I don´t want to see more crappy products with the Star Wars logo on it. }I´m not a "simple" gamer that say "Oh, it has good graphics, looks real, no matter if it is boring or crap".



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility

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Guest Hans The Great

LEC is not making good games anymore. Case in point: I just finished playing Grim Fandango, what a great game! Then I played Battle for Naboo, the Rogue Squadron mod, also made by LEC. What a disaster! Force Commander? Just Say No! LEC isn't even trying anymore which is a shame. Look at the success of games like Serious Sam, a FPS that was made cheaply but is a lot of fun.


LEC has all this money and talented people and the best they can do is Super Bombad Racing or whatever??

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Guest Rogue 9

Star Wars: Battleground looks cool. even PCG thought it was good. smile.gif it runs on the AOE engine.

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