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Expand camera view on galactic map


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I seen in one file where the Galactic Map is scrolled and set. I saw it when trying to get a decent tactical camera to work in land battles.


It is in an odd file...not where you would expect (as stated above). If I find it again, I will tell you next time I go cruising 700+ files. But I did see it.


I think it was in the file HYPERCONSTANTS.xml something...

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I seen in one file where the Galactic Map is scrolled and set. I saw it when trying to get a decent tactical camera to work in land battles.


It is in an odd file...not where you would expect (as stated above). If I find it again, I will tell you next time I go cruising 700+ files. But I did see it.


I think it was in the file HYPERCONSTANTS.xml something...

Don't worry I figured it out.

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While its handy to see the entire galaxy at once, i did think they were a little too close together.


What would be cool also, would not only be starting with less planets, but making it so they dont even show up on the map until you control the one near it. Like the outer planets in conquest mode. Feeling like you are slowly making your way through the Galaxy.


Be also nice to increase the size of the space battle maps a little. So you arent starting within fire range of the enemy.

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