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Adding a 3rd faction, possibly even making the online campaigns more than 2 players?


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I know that a 3rd faction can be added and made playable, i've seen it in some mods. (i have no idea how this is done)


Would there be any way to change the player limits on the multiplayer campaigns? If there is, there could be more than 2 players with different factions. Unfortunately i didn't find anything on this in the multiplayer campaign's xml file.

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It is semi-possible to add a third playable side, but to be completely playable would require code; you will likely also run into interface issues since it wasn't designed for it (such as the drop-down faction selection menus). The game engine currently will not support more than two playable factions (1v1) in MP campaigns - it would require a major engine overhaul and the solving of numerous code issues to do it.

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It is semi-possible to add a third playable side, but to be completely playable would require code; you will likely also run into interface issues since it wasn't designed for it (such as the drop-down faction selection menus). The game engine currently will not support more than two playable factions (1v1) in MP campaigns - it would require a major engine overhaul and the solving of numerous code issues to do it.


Now i understand the more-than-two-factions-in-the-same-game (be it skirmish or conquest) will be a non-starter with the existing code. However, to your knowledge, is expanding the UI framework (for the drop-menus for example) something that in the offing for a future patch (please pretty-please)?



Also, speaking of the UI framework, how flexable are the context menus? Are they at all expandable or is the only function they're allowed to execute is the selling of the selected unit? I ask because one of my mods (for Warhammer 40K) involves customizable mixed weapon units, and i would like to be able to execute changes to a selected squad's unit makeup with the context menus. To your knowledge, is this even possible with the existing UI framework? </offtopic>

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