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Models & Textures


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Hello. Me and some modding friends of mine are considering making a Star Trek Total Conversion mod for Empire at War. Possibly set it during the Dominion War since that's the most suitable conflict in comparison to the original game. We'd replace one side with the Federation Alliance, and the other side with the Dominion Forces.


Anyways, my main question with this post is... what format should the models and textures be in? Can we use already created 3D Studio Max/Lightwave meshes and convert to the format used in the game?


Will there be a model viewer/converter out anytime soon which can help us convert said meshes to the game? Any and all help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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I am also in the same modding clan as thunder. We are interested in a ST only mod. Mixing sci-fi genres IMO is a bad idea. I like Star Wars, and Star Trek,...but not together on the same screen lol.


The fact that the models were done in 3dsmax is a good thing for us, because that is my tool of choice. Im sure an exporter for the animations will become available in time.


I am more interested in importing ship models, and what we have to do to make the damaged/breakup models before we move on to the ground combat aspect of the game. Also how to make the hardpoints, FX, yada, yada.


We have both main sides space fleets already modelled, and quite possibly a 3rd side as well (we have for years we were just looking for the right platform to use em). They just need spit, and polish. It shouldnt be too hard to adapt them to this game.


Ground units we do not have. We will need character modellers, and animators.


We have a solid plan for what we want to do with the game. If anyone wishes to help us out we will gladly accept it.

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