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Concise Ship Name List


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The Venator is an attack cruiser deployed by the Republic, so calling it that is ok.

It was considered by the people in the Star Wars universe to be the first of star destroyer line, and was classed as the Venator Class Star Destroyer. Calling it the Jedi Cruiser is totally incorrect if you ask me, so don't call it that. :D

Best is to call it the Venator Class, or just Venator, as Republic Attack Cruiser can easily be confused with the Republic Cruiser (ship that we se in the opening scene of Ep.I delivering Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, built by CEC), or Republic Carrier (small troop carrier used when Acclamators are just too big to be used or unneccessary), or Republic Assault Ship (Acclamator). Atleast on my part. :D


The interdictor is classed as Immobilizer-418, built by Kuat Drive Yards (KDY).


The Corellian Corvette is classed as CR90, and built by Corellian Engineering Corporation (CEC).


Let's see, what else ...


Nebulon-B is named right in the game, built by KDY.


Broadside-Class Missile Cruiser (or just Broadside cruiser), KDY.


Tydirium = Lambda-Class shuttle, Sienar Fleet Systems (SFS).


Tartan Patrol Cruiser, built by Damorian Manufacturing Corporation (DMC).


Marauder Cruiser, I can't remember who built it. I'll have to check when I get home from work.


I think that was it.


The pirate ships I would have to take a look at when I get back home.


Other than that, you just call them what they are called in the game. People should, theoretically, not get confused which ship you are talking about.

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I don't call it the Jedi Cruiser, I chose that name as an example as that is it's tag name. I call it the Venator Star Destroyer, and allow it to be built only from merchant yards ;)


Thanks for clearing the rest up.


What of the pirate ships?

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The Marauder Corvette (it is NOT a cruiser) was designed by Republic Sienar Systems (later Sienar Fleet Systems) and was used almost exclusivly by the Corporate Sector.


In order to give the Rebellion an eqivolent ship to the Broadside, they completly fudged its weaponry.

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No, its just for some reason they changed the name of some ships. The XML even states that the Tartan was previously known as the Carrack


But they proberly would of used tags like -I & -L so Imperial clerks would know how many with different loadouts at any particular time they had to mess around with

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Uhm, the Tartan Cruiser and the Carrack Cruiser are 2 different vessels. They are not the same vessels at all. They arn't even related.


The Tartan Cruiser was created for the first time for this game. It has never been mentioned before anywhere .. ever. It's a completelly new ship.


Whoever gave you guys that idea?!? :confused:



Anyway, pirate ships: I can't place it. It has a similar design to the Action # bulk transport production line. Like a refitted transport ship.


But then again, there's lots of ships in Star Wars that has the same appearance, but isn't the same type of ship ... refitted or not. ;)


It could very much be a new ship, like the Tartan and the Broadside.

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