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The Project Expands...


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Project Crossfire, which few of you will know of (despite my attempts to get it acknowldeged) is branching out. As an avid fan of Supremecy, I am adding as new section to my site soon, discussing my new Project, Project 'R&D'.

The idea is to turn the use of UGE for cheating at Supremecy to creating (whether replacing current or adding along with current vessels yet to be decided) new vessels - Modified Corvette, Eclipse SD, Mon Cal Variants, fighters variants.

If interested, then visit my site in about a fortnights time for further details, or e-mail me now, especially if you wish to help out !



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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What do you mean 'good luck' !


This will be a GREAT prject garyah99, just you wait and see...


As for my Site Address, I will give it, but you must realise that the current site is CRAP ! I am rebuilding it from scratch to include Project R&D, and to basically look nicer. Less ****e, less spam, better content.


I am also pondering whether I will add a new project, a mission for XWA that will emulate the Beltrunner sequence from Vector Prime, and all other great asteroid belt sequences (come on - like it would not be fun !)

That project would be called Project:Belt Run, using all new opts (mobile asteroids) and new mission/s (have a Vong Attack mid way or something maybe).


New site should be up end of June (I have A-Levels coming up, so they will demand most of my time). Belt Run is a long way of at moment.




Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Heh - if you thought my OLD site was good, you should see my new improved, recreated from scratch site !


Not all page contents are done yet, but alo is done.


Enjoy folks !



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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