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Space Wookie Mod v1.2

Master Nikolaos

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Finally I am able to release my mod to you. This mod is a combination of MistenTH's Space mod v2.0 and my additions/editions. Info directly from the readme:



Purpose of this Mod


To enable Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn for the Empire at War and Galactic Conflict Campaigns. This mod also adds hangar bays to some rebel ships and reworks some squadron ideas.



Changes from v1.1 to 1.2


Implemented my hotfix to the mod itself(so much easier than downloading 2 things at a time right? :p)


Changes from v1.0 to 1.1


Fixed a bug which made Kyle non targetable for space battles.


Lowered Kyle's health for space a bit.


Increased firepower for Mara Jade in space(she's still not a MAJOR space hero, but I don't not intend her to be, as her specialty is really ground battles).


Kyle is now able to retreat from a space battle.






Both Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn have been added to the Empire at War and Galactic Conflict campaigns without giving any crashes to desktop. You have to tech advance in order to get them or start the campaign on level 5 tech.


Moldy Crow (Kyle Katarn's ship) modded to be an effective space hero unit.


Gave Mara Jade a modified Z-95 fighter for space battles (stronger than regular Z-95 and able to hold its own for a while).


Mara and Kyle are now able to land and participate in ground combat during the course of a campaign (they use an Empire Shuttle and an Alliance Shuttle model respectably when landing).


Mon Calamari Cruisers now spawn 1 X-Wing Squadron, 1 Y-Wing Squadron and 1 A-Wing Squadron (with a total of 2 reserves for each unit to be accurate as far as squadron numbers from the Star Wars Databank and Wookiepedia go).


The Home One Starship now spawns a large compliment of 10 squadrons (a rebel squadron is made of 1 X-Wing , 1 Y-Wing Squadron and 1 A-Wing squadron, although the Home One spawns two squadrons because of the number of bays it has in its "real" specifications) as it should.


Nebulon B Frigattes spawn 2 reduced squadrons(contains 2 X-Wings and 1 Y-Wing).


Tie Interceptors now use the Tie protoype models (was previously Tie Scouts, but the scout icon for them is still there until further modding).


Star Destroyers now spawn 6 Empire Squadrons (Imperial Squadrons are made up of 3 Tie Fighter groups and 1 Tie Bomber Squadron; 5 of the six squadrons are reserves). I made the Empire squadrons bigger than those of the rebels to reflect the lore's massive Tie fighter numbers.


The Accuser Star Destroyer spawns 12 squadrons, each which contains an additional Tie Interceptor Squadron.


Hyperspace speed travel for all units is now 1.5 exept for the Millenium Falcon(2.0; the fastest ship in the galaxy ;) )


Many other changes which escape my mind at the moment.


NOTE: Mara and Kyle will spawn in the campaign on tech level advance. If you want to try them out right away, start one of the campaigns where they are enabled on tech level 5.


If you get a corrupt file error, download the opposite version(if you downloaded the rar version, then download the zip). All other changes are included in the readme.


Version 1.2 is here!. Get it from filecloud:


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124195 (rar)


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124201 (zip)



Plans: Add Luke Skywalker as a ground hero+make the game more realistic as better modding tools become available.


Here's the No fighters vesion which makes Rebel ships not spawn fighters during battle:


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124208 (rar)


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124207 (zip)


Now the Space Cap addon:


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124219 (rar)


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124220 (zip)


Enjoy :D

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O.K, in response to some requests, I have made a version of my mod in which Mon Cals don't launch ships. I can't test it at the moment(they should be disabled anyway), but give it a try if you're intrested:




EDIT: Also, for you people with killer computers, here's the factions.xml for a space cap of 50(both factions):




To install, just add it to your XML folder in C:\ProgramFiles\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Data.

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Ok, so in the 5 mins i had before going to work, I had time to start a quick skirmish on the large CG map ( kyle wasnt on the other one i tried at tech 5). Anyway i picked a battle i knew i would loose, and SUPER KYLE outlived all the other reb craft, then when he went to lightspeed for retreat, he was gone off the galactic map. Damn mercs....Whats up with that. Their so flighty. Why did he dissapear. Not even a little icon with a timer.

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LOL, well, thats mercenaries for you :D. Anyhow, I'll look into it and see what might be wrong. BTW, which version did you download? The one with rebel ships launching fighters or the original?


EDIT: Thanks for that information. I figured out what is wrong. I forgot to add a hyperspace tag to Kyle for Galactic Conquest. Also, I would like you to know Mara and Kyle have not been enabled for every G.C map, only for Empire at War and Galactic Conflict.


I'll be releasing a fix shortly.

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Im glad i could help, I though it was very accurate though. How in essence he's appart of a loosing battle and then just never decides to report back to the Alliance high command (me) lol.


I figured that he was only enabled on the big maps, im sure those are the ones anyone plays anyway.


The other issue is his heath. Manuverability and firepower were good. FAST AND HEAVY, but that would have to mean light armor. HE WAS TAKING A POUNDING from 2 lancers...er tartans, an acclamator and a whole hell of a swarm of ties. HE Left without a scratch. Try it. See what i mean.


LMK on the patch for GC, until then ima run my saved campain on the original build. I play IMPS anyway. I only like kyle cuz he's x-imp.


Peace outside!

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I figured there were a lot of problems with Kyle caused by me scaling him down. He was literarily non destructable because every projectile would miss him. I figured it out anyway, and my mod should be ready in about 1Hour:30min. Also, I have to fix the space cap mod because it turns out it doesn't do anything( I couldn't teset that version yesterday because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time).





Yes, about 30 minutes early, but I guess you guys don't mind ;).


Here are the changes for v.1.1:


-Fixed a bug which made Kyle non targetable for space battles.


-Lowered Kyle's health for space a bit.


-Increased firepower for Mara Jade in space(she's still not a MAJOR space hero, but I don't not intend her to be, as her specialty is really ground battles).


-Kyle is now able to retreat from a space battle.


Get the mod/Add-ons here:


RAR Versions: http://files.filefront.com/Space_Wookie_Mod_v11rar/;4835696;;/fileinfo.html (Actual Mod)


http://files.filefront.com/Space_Wookie_Mod_v11_NoRFightersrar/;4835656;;/fileinfo.html (No Rebel ship spawn)


http://files.filefront.com/Space_Cap_Add_onrar/;4835699;;/fileinfo.html (Space Cap of 50 for Space Battles Add-on)


ZIP Versions: http://files.filefront.com/Space_Wookie_Mod_v11zip/;4835666;;/fileinfo.html (Actual Mod)


http://files.filefront.com/Space_Wookie_Mod_v11_NoRFighterszip/;4835672;;/fileinfo.html (No Rebel ship spawn)


http://files.filefront.com/Space_Cap_Add_onzip/;4835680;;/fileinfo.html (Space Cap of 50 for Space Battles Add-on)


Cheers :D




Alright, my fix is complete. Please report any other bugs,etc to me so I can correct any potential mistakes.




Fixed an issue with rebel ships in which fighter launcher enabled ships couldn't be destroyed. Now the hangar hardpoint for these ships will not be destructable, but to make up for it(until someone can give me a hand with creating actual hardpoints for the rebel hangar bays) I raised the health stats for Mon Calamari Cruisers, Nebulon-B frigates and the Home One. Just destroy the ships and you won't have to worry about anymore fighters coming out of them ;) .


Get it here:








Just read the readme to find the install instructions(don't worry, its a no brainer).

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I'm probably going to have to change servers...filefront is giving me too much trouble. I may also incoorporate my hot fix to the next link I make.




Version 1.2 is here!. Get it from filecloud:


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124195 (rar)


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124201 (zip)




Implemented the hotfix to make it less of a hassle.


Plans: Release the non_fighter version and space cap addon on filecloud as well.


Here's the No fighters vesion:


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124208 (rar)


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124207 (zip)


Now the Space Cap addon:


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124219 (rar)


http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=124220 (zip)

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Hey, I am having a bit of trouble downloading version 1.2 (zip), without fighters, of your mod. I tried it twice and both times after trying to open it up I got an error: "The Compressed (zipped) Folder is invalid or corrupted. The first time i just blamed the corruption on our public schools, but after the second time I am not so sure. Any help would be appreciated.



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