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Battle Cruiser: Millenium

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i think that was what i downloaded - anyway it doesnt matter if that is the first one then the rest must be terrible!!!



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Guest Hamblin

Precisely my reaction towards X Wing and all proceeding X Wing games, which, I might add, I never played.

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Guest Epsilon 5

You must have downloaded the bc3k demo, the "old" game. It's maybe old, but it's not dead. At all. Even if I will have BCM, bc3k will stay on my computer for more than a while.


The BCM demo episode 1 is available here:



THERE ARE BUGS, since the demo is based on the beta code. Many bugs ahve been cleared since them. The demo episode 2, with more features (including planet-side possibility) is due out next week.

If you can't run the game for any reason, go here: http://www.3000ad.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=14


Use the search function wisely.



Commander Epsilon 5 - GCV-StalkerIV

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Guest Hamblin

Of course you don't, Nute Gunray. And I just hate LucasArts, for making a game (X Wing Alliance) which, incidentally, I haven't played, yet I absolutely loathe, after my experience of playing a game (X Wing) which was a completely different piece of coding, from a completely different time, made under completely different circumstances.


Do you want me to repeat this yet again, or will you finally to use that obviously very slow brain of yours figure out exactly what my repeatedly re-iterated, and very obvious point is?

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Originally posted by Hamblin:

And I just hate LucasArts, for making a game (X Wing Alliance) which, incidentally, I haven't played, yet I absolutely loathe, after my experience of playing a game (X Wing) which was a completely different piece of coding, from a completely different time, made under completely different circumstances.


Umm... You're trying to piss us off by insulting XWA?


*falls off chair in laughter*


Anyway, Derek Smart is a funny man. I mean, he's all like "This game is gonna rock because I'm working my ass off" but like, whenever somebody badmouths him in a big messageboard (like VE) he actually takes his time and starts a flame war... It's so funny it's pathetic. Plus his games are crappy.


I wouldn't be suprised if he appeared here, seriously.<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Poor Bastard (edited May 29, 2001).]

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Guest Hamblin

Umm... You're trying to piss us off by insulting XWA?


Yes, that is exactly what I am doing, I am simply insulting X Wing Alliance in order to piss you all off. Good Lord, you've uncovered my nefarious plan to insult you through simple analogy, you have out done me sir!


My Goodness, your capacity for using your obviously amazing intellect is without compare.


[/extreme sarcasm, if you couldn't already tell. Actually, I doubt you could]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

wtf - nute what are you saying its a good game its not the best by todays standards but niether are some of todays games!!!



Official Forum Newbian


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Originally posted by Hamblin:

Yes, that is exactly what I am doing, I am simply insulting X Wing Alliance in order to piss you all off. Good Lord, you've uncovered my nefarious plan to insult you through simple analogy, you have out done me sir!


My Goodness, your capacity for using your obviously amazing intellect is without compare.


[/extreme sarcasm, if you couldn't already tell. Actually, I doubt you could]


Dude, I didn't mean "Oh, wow, I just noticed that he was being sarcastic" I meant "Oh wow, he actually thinks I'm going to be insulted by this". Why the **** would I get pissed if you're saying "ooh I hate XWA". I don't give a flying **** about your opinion, unlike you, who seemed to be insulted by the fact that I don't really give a **** about BCM. I mean, cheer up bucko, move on.

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Guest Rogue 9

XWA does suck its only redeeming feature is that you get to shoot down people who are flying Imperial Craft. you want to tick people off by saying that go to XWA Upgrade tongue.gif



Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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Guest Rogue 9

I did not give the URL and refuse to accept blame should he actually go over there.



Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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Guest Hamblin

And I'm meant to be the one who's angry?


And I'll note that you still haven't grasped the point of either my excessively simple analogy, or my sarcasm afterwards. It really isn't that difficult a concept to grasp.

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Originally posted by Hamblin:

And I'll note that you still haven't grasped the point of either my excessively simple analogy, or my sarcasm afterwards. It really isn't that difficult a concept to grasp.


I got your stupid analogy, I'm not a moron. It's just that I don't care enough to go "WOW YOU MADE AN ANALOGY. IT'S LIKE EINSTEIN'S GHOST POSESSED YOUR BODY AND POSTED". From the moment you started trolling, I stopped caring about your ****ty attempts at looking smart. So like, you can board the short bus straight to hell, thank you very much.

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Guest Hamblin

And I re-iterate: I'm the one being told to calm down?


Further, you obviously haven't understood my point, seeing as you've taken no notice of it. Instead, you're continuing with your rather lame attempts at trying to insult me. What, you think I care that you don't like Derek Smart?


I am saying that you can't simply judge a completely new game, which is unconnected with the previous game in every possible way, with the exception of the developer. You haven't even played it, how do you know?


I'm arguing here that your points that Battlecruiser Millenium is a game that will crash, where none of the features will work, where it'll be just like Battlecruiser 3000ad...it's based on playing Battlecruiser 3000ad. You're making an assumption based on having played a completely different game.


I'm not here to convince you to buy or play Battlecruiser Millenium, or to stop insulting Derek Smart. I couldn't care less, if he wants to defend himself or his games against you, he can come here and do it himself, I'm not his mother.


I am here, though, to point out that saying one game is bad simply from playing a completely different game, where the only connection is the developer, is faulty reasoning.

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