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Guest rosencrantz

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Guest rosencrantz

beastie, gary, thanks for your replies smile.gif

and hey gary, i bet if i can still remember what i was thinking when i posted this thread that we can talk aboot it over lunch when i'm in toronto next month.

i wanna know more about what kinda stuff you believe in beastlie.

thanks peeps :B

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Well, it happened... because I told everyone here my prediction, it's not gonna come true... The Devils won last night, making the only possible outcomes Avs in 7, Devils in 6, Devils in 7.



The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day...


10 times a day, at LEAST...


They sent him to the Navy head shrinkers and the crazy bastard starts jerking off in the waiting room...


-Full Metal Jacket

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Guest Fondas

hey guys. i am very interested to know everyone's opinions and beliefs about premonition. (or intuition, or whatever other word you might call it).

do you believe in intuition? what do you think the source of this kind of stuff is? how do some people "know" things that they have no way of knowing?


[fun mode] That's an easy one! It's called the Force, a field that surrounds all... wink.gif[/fun mode]


Seriously now, I've never had any sign of intuition/premonition, except if huches fall to the same category... I guess not.


Divine influence, mere mental ability or both, I really don't know !

Haven't given much thought about it and you really have to do a lot of reading (and understanding) i order to form an opinion about that subject.


Conclusion: I don't wan to make wild guesses while my knowledge on this matter is inadequate.




"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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recalling an experience of mine...


one night years ago I had a dream. It was animated, in an anime style (not the sci-fi style), and it was about a young child who was crying their eyes out, goes into the room where his mother was, and tells her that his daddy is dead. she gets up, goes to where the father is (why they weren't in the same room is beyond me) and finds him laying there as if he died in his sleep. peaceful looking, but dead nonetheless.


then the way i felt after what happened will stay with me forever. It was as if all the thoughts rushing through the head of the mother were visualized in the dream, and the mode was having a bunch of colors, one at a time, start in the center of the "mind's eye" and expand to the outer edges, but the edges were jagged (like you would see in an old batman show where it says "POW!" inside). the colors changed rapidly, always starting in the center and going to the outer edges, and was going so fast that it was probably changing at least 20 times per second.


It doesn't sound like much, but in that few seconds, I seemed filled with all the dark emotions felt by the mother in my dream; what she would have been feeling after realizing her husband had just died.


The next morning, i found out that one of my best friends, an older man in his 60's, died in his sleep.



coincidence? probably not.

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Kinda scary story, Ike. But still, I don't believe in premonition. 2 probable causes:

1) I'm male wink.gif

2) I never experience such things


What I do believe is that when we realy want to believe something, we believe it. What I mean is that our subjective minds currupt our view of reality, making us think that we deja-vued (exscuse le mot) something, or we predicted a certain event.


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The only precognizance I've experienced is the classic deja vue type (though it is really cool to get deja vue when writing a test cool.gif ).


Well, I've also caught the offhand "this is gonna hurt" sensation, but that's not really precognizance, is it? rolleyes.gif


On a partially related theme, I do believe in telepathy. In High School, my best friend and I could often scan each other's thoughts when we were in the same room. Even when I can't actually read someone's mind, I've found that I can usually peg what they're feeling, though I'm not sure if this is telepathy or just unconscious sensitivity to body language.


I also credit telepathy, or at least empathy for my bond with animals. Stray cats have been known to wander right up to me and mew in greeting.



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Do not confuse Telepathy with Empathy, or reading body language


Most people, especcially salesman, Poker players, and Charismatics, are able to Read peooples body language, and Emote very clearly to other people. No actaully words are transmitted, but feelings can.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I believe that telepathy occurs, but I haven't experienced it myself.


Cool dream, Ike. smile.gif Interesting way your subconscious chose to convey the woman's feelings...

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Did the monkey have spandex camoflauge underwear, a sledgehammer and fiery eyes that spun around in hypnotic little circles?


Freaky, dood...

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